251 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Genesis, Bereishit (Genesis 1:1-6:8), Source Book Keys, LEHRMAN GENESIS | 2:18 alone — GEN304 When God advised Adam that “it is not g... GEN304 When God advised Adam that “it is not good for man to be alone” [this verse], this meant that man would never achieve perfection alone, unaided by a good wife. To live in the so-called “single blessedness” is an error, resulting in loneliness and frustration. “Without a wife, man lives without joy, blessing, peace or anything that can really be called good.” Yevamot 62b He is not the complete man, and in the Life to Come he will have to answer, on Judgment Day, the question why he remained unwedded throughout his earthly pilgrimage. Shabbat 31a. Further, by not marrying, man is prone to be held in suspicious, thus transgressing the command “then ye shall be clear before the Lord and before Israel”. Numbers 32:22 A Rabbi cautions us that “in order to appear blameless before men and God, one must remove any cause for suspicious”. Yoma 38a LEHRMAN 239 Share Print Source KeyLEHRMANVerse2:18Keyword(s)aloneSource Page(s)(See end of excerpt) Switch article GENESIS | 2:18 alone — GEN302 The essential teaching of Judaism is that ... Previous Article GENESIS | 2:18 alone — GEN303 The Torah suggests we are both destructive... Next Article