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GENESIS | 2:7 living — GEN241 Although animals can often communicate non...

GEN241 Although animals can often communicate nonverbally and some animals can even be taught sign language, no animal can speak in the manner of man or express complex ideas.  When man was created and became a unique “living being” after “God blew into his nostrils the soul of life” this unique living being, according to Onkelos’ commentary, was differentiated from animals by his ability to speak.  The Talmud and Midrash make note of this unique aspect of man.  Chagiga 16a; Midrash Tanchuma, Emor 15; Otzar Hamidrashim, “Ma’asim” 9 Man’s ability to speak also includes, by extension, his ability to write, to record his own history, and to analyze himself.  No other creature is capable of any of these attributes.  AMJV 94


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