224 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Genesis, Bereishit (Genesis 1:1-6:8), Source Book Keys, GATES GENESIS | 2:7 dust-breath — GEN230 It is clear from the Torah that the soul o... GEN230 It is clear from the Torah that the soul of man is supernal, [unlike an animal’s soul,] for it states that the animal soul is from the earth, as the pasuk (verse) says Genesis 1:24, “The earth shall produce living creatures.” Yet, when referring to man the pasuk says, “And He breathed into his nostrils the soul of life.” I.e., An animal’s soul comes from the earth, while man’s soul comes from “the breath of Hashem.” GATES 137-9 Share Print Source KeyGATESVerse2:7Keyword(s)dust-breathSource Page(s)(See end of excerpt) Switch article GENESIS | 2:7 dust — GEN228 Insofar as man is a physical being – “dust... Previous Article GENESIS | 2:7 dust-soul — GEN231 It is clear that man is made from two comp... Next Article