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GENESIS | 2:7 breathed — GEN226 And the dead are destined to be brought...

GEN226 And the dead are destined to be brought to life … Pirkei Avot IV:29  In Scripture’s majestic account of Creation, we read how man as a physical organism was created from the dust of the earth and animated by the breath of Divinity [this verse].  It is to be expected, then, that what comes from the earth should return to the earth, once man loses his ability to live forever in his physical state.  Adam is told, “you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” Genesis 3:19  Man’s physical portion, his body, decomposes and disintegrates after he expires.  But part of the human being is spiritual; his soul comes not of earth but from the supernal realms of Divinity.  That returns to its place of origin, to live on, until at some future time, by the grace of the life-giving God, it will again acquire physical form and live once more within a body.  This is one of Judaism’s most central and fundamental beliefs. Not every human being, however, will enjoy this privilege. Only those who are worthy will merit to undergo resurrection, return to life.  For example, those who refuse to repent and return to the faith they have abandoned, those who deny that the Torah teaches this doctrine of Resurrection and anyone whose life is too vile to be continued, will not live again. They are punished in much the same way as a reprehensible citizen who is deported from his country. His life has become so debased and his behavior so dangerous that his country forbids him to ever re-enter his land. So too will a person, if he is wicked or evil enough, be unable to rejoin the living once he has departed this earth.  SINAI2 197


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