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GENESIS | 2:3 do — GEN212 R. Yohanan haSand’lar said: Every assem...

GEN212 R. Yohanan haSand’lar said: Every assembly that is for the sake of Heaven will endure in the end; but any one that is not for the sake of Heaven will not endure in the end.  Pirkei Avot IV:14.  … The first manifestation of the Almighty in the world was as Creator, the builder of this very world. But He left His work unfinished. For we read that on the seventh day the Almighty “rested from all His work that God had created la’asoth, to do, to act, be active.  Creation was a process that was to continue. And when man appeared, in the Divine image, he became the Almighty’s partner in creation, to continue it.  He became a builder.  Thus we human beings build during our stay on earth: we erect homes, factories, business enterprises, organizations … If you would build structures to last, proof against the ravages of time, learn to become like your Creator, to “walk in all His ways”’ then you will construct as he does.  SINAI2 98


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