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GENESIS | 1:27 image — GEN116 Rabbi Abraham Twerski notes how healthy se...

GEN116 Rabbi Abraham Twerski notes how healthy self-esteem enables a person to heed many important ethical admonitions of the Sages, while low self-esteem discourages one from doing so.  People with a healthy self-image: * are more apt to judge others fairly and favorably, as urged by The Ethics of the Fathers 1:6, because, unlike people with low self-esteem, they do not need to disparage others to raise themselves in their own eyes * have no need to feel superior or in control; thus they show respect and honor to others rather than demanding recognition The Ethics of the Fathers 1:10 “Despise lording it over others” and The Ethics of the Fathers 2:10 “Let your fellow’s honor be as dear to you as your own”) * tend to associate with the wise and avoid the ignorant, because they don’t need to be with people to whom they feel superior The Ethics of the Fathers 1:4 “Let your house be a meeting place for the Sages” * are likelier to welcome constructive criticism. Because they believe they can improve, such peoples are usually not afraid to have their weaknesses pointed out to them Proverbs 19:20 “Listen to advice…in order that you may be wise in the end.” TELVOL 1:240GEN121zz


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