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GENESIS | 1:27 image — GEN92 In today’s society, where people are often ...

GEN92 In today’s society, where people are often disconnected from their community, a discussion of “victimless crimes” may have traction.  Judaism’s approach to criminal justice is based on its more communitarian understanding of who we are.  The designation of certain acts as violating society’s ethics makes the community, not just an individual, one of the victims of every crime.  By their very nature, actions designated as crimes harm the moral fabric of society.  Moreover, in Judaism people do not have the right to consent to harm.  Given that each person is made in the image of God [this verse] and belongs to God [Deuteronomy 10:14, Psalms 24:1], we have a fiduciary duty to maintain our own life and health as well as that of others.  Therefore the Mishnah prohibits self-injury [M. Baba Kamma 8:6], and modern rabbinic rulings include in that category repeated drunkenness, illegal drug use, mutilation, and even unsafe sexual activity [See citations at 484 ft. 38]. (By Laurie L. Levenson, "Judaism and CriminalJustice" OXFORD 478


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