234 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Genesis, Bereishit (Genesis 1:1-6:8), Source Book Keys, FREUND GENESIS | 1:27 female — GEN80 Professor [Richard Elliott] Friedman [in "... GEN80 Professor [Richard Elliott] Friedman [in "Who Wrote the Bible?”] suggests that different authors of the Bible, from different socio-political and economic circumstances, may reflect different statuses for women by their inclusion or exclusion of material or in their attitude towards this material. Giving this line of thinking, one could demonstrate that the “most feminist” position of the recognized authors of the Bible seem to be P rather than J or E. In [this and next verse], a recognized P document, for example, … male and female are created contemporaneously and from the same image of God. Similarly, God blesses both of them and commands both of them to be fruitful and multiply and have dominion over the earth.… Unlike J’s creation account in Genesis 2:18 – 24, which makes the woman a secondary creation made not directly from the Divine but rather from the side of man, P’s account presents a woman which is the equal of man in their creation, origin, and purpose. P’s creation is totally interrelated and interdependent upon one another. P’s influential opinion seems to be important since it is repeated again in Genesis 5:2 almost word for word. .… P presents a view where women are more equal to men than in the J or the E Biblical world. FREUND 188-9 Share Print Source KeyFREUNDVerse1:27Keyword(s)femaleSource Page(s)188-9 Switch article GENESIS | 1:26 Us — GEN79 God took counsel with the angels before cre... Previous Article GENESIS | 1:27 image — GEN98 Traditionally, we are obligated to respect ... Next Article