239 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Genesis, Bereishit (Genesis 1:1-6:8), Source Book Keys, LEHRMAN GENESIS | 1:26 us — GEN75 In the anguish of his heart, the Psalmist c... GEN75 In the anguish of his heart, the Psalmist cries: “Look on my right hand, and see, for there is no moan that knoweth me. I have no way to flee; no man careth for my soul” Psalm 142:5 To cheer man in his loneliness, God was depicted as a loving Father. Even in His anger he doth remember mercy, assuring all who pulse with the breath of life which He has infused into them that none need feel alone in this apparently friendless universe. He is with us in our troubles, loving us and deeply concerned with our destiny. He made Adam a co-partner with Him in the act of Creation. For did not God use the plural “Let us make”[this verse] – thus hinting at ma’s share in the making of himself and in omnipotent creativeness? Such a belief gave meaning to Jewish life and a sense of direction to human destiny. LEHRMAN 154-5 Share Print Source KeyLEHRMANVerse1:26Keyword(s)usSource Page(s)(See end of excerpt) Switch article GENESIS | 1:26 us — GEN74 When the Almighty said, “let us make a man ... Previous Article GENESIS | 1:26 us — GEN76 Witness Rabbi Yisrael Salanter’s statement ... Next Article