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GENESIS | 1:11 grass — GEN24 Rabban Simeon  ben Gamaliel said: By thr...

GEN24 Rabban Simeon  ben Gamaliel said: By three things does the world endure; by Truth, justice, and peace—as it is said, Truth and judgment of peace, administer in your gates. Zechariah 8:16. Pirkei Avot I:18.  … After the Almighty had created the dry land, His next command was, “Let the earth put forth grass, deshe.” If you wish, the three letters of the word deshe are the respective beginnings of din, shalom and emeth – justice, peace, truth.  This would therefore suggest that if this newly created world wished to endure, it had first to give forth deshe: justice, peace and truth.  Indeed, our Sages stated that every justice who renders true judgment in accordance with justice, becomes, as it were, a partner of the Holy One in the work of creation.  Shabbat 10a  SINAI1 108


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