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GENESIS | 1:4 good — GEN17 …all things should not be believed to exist...

GEN17 …all things should not be believed to exist for the sake of man’s existence.  Rather all other beings too were intended to exist for their own sakes, not for the sake of something else.  … We say that all parts of the world were brought into being by God’s will, intended either for their own sake or for the sake of something else intended for its own sake … This view too is stated in the prophetic books: “The Lord made each thing le-ma’enehuProverbs 16:4.  The reference might be to the object [each thing for its own sake]; but if the antecedent is the subject [God], the sense is ‘for Himself,’ i.e., His will, which is His identify…also called His glory … Thus His words, “All that are called by My name and created for My glory, I created, yes and made” Isaiah 43:7 … If you study the book which guides all who seek guidance toward what is true and is therefore called the Torah, this idea will be evident to you from the outset to the end of the account of creation.  For it never states in any way that any of the things mentioned was for the sake of something else.  Rather, of every single part of the world, it is said that He created it, and its being agreed with His purpose.  This is the meaning of its saying, “God saw that it was good” [this verse].  JHRHV 35-6


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