"For Instruction shall come forth from Zion, The word of the L-rd from Jerusalem." -- Isaiah 2:3


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GENESIS — 14:21 souls

GEN828 R. Yochanan said: “Why was Abraham punished, and his children enslaved in Egypt for 210 years? Because he allowed people to be separated from him, whom he could have brought under the wings of the Shechinah [the Divine Presence], as it is written: ‘And the king of Sodom said to Avram: “Give me the souls, and take the spoil for yourself”’” Nedarim 32a TEMIMAH-GEN 66


GENESIS — 16:3 ten

GEN856 The Rabbis taught: “If one were married to a woman for ten years and she had no children, he should divorce her and provide her with the amount stipulated in her marriage contract,” for perhaps it has not been granted him to have children with her.  And though there is no proof for this, there is an allusion to it: [this verse]. Why emphasize “the land of Canaan”? To teach us that the years spent outside Eretz Yisroel [Canaan] do not enter into the ten years mentioned in this connection” [for one might be granted children through the merit of living in Eretz Yisroel] Yevamot 64a TEMIMAH-GEN 70


GENESIS — 16:8 mistress

GEN861 Ravah said to Rabbah b. Mari: “Whence is derived the saying: ‘If your neighbor calls you an ass, pull the saddle to your back’? [I.e., Do not contest his statement] He answered: “From the verse: ‘And he said: “Hagar, maidservant of Sarai, where are you coming from?” ‘ – to which she responded: ‘I am fleeing from Sarai, my mistress’”  [Though Hagar was no longer the maidservant of Sarai, since the angel referred to her as such, she responded in kind.] [n.b.– Bracketed explanations are from sefaria.org]  Baba Kamma 92b  TEMIMAH-GEN 70


GENESIS — 17:1 blameless

GEN863 It was taught: Rabbi [R. Judah Hanasi] said: “Great is the mitzvah of circumcision, for there was no one who performed mitzvoth as our father Abraham did, and yet he was called “perfect” only by virtue of having circumcised himself, as it is written: ‘Walk before Me and be perfect,” immediately after which it is written: “And I shall place My covenant [of circumcision] between Me and you”’” Nedarim 32a  TEMIMAH-GEN 71


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