"For Instruction shall come forth from Zion, The word of the L-rd from Jerusalem." -- Isaiah 2:3


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GENESIS — 43:28 father

GEN1541 R. Yehudah said in the name of Rav: “Why was Joseph referred to as ‘bones’ in his lifetime Genesis 50:25? Because he did not protest on behalf of his father’s honor.  For his brothers said: ‘Your servant, our father,’ and he said nothing to them” [in protest that they referred to his father Jacob as Joseph’s servant].   Sotah 13a TEMIMAH-GEN 173


GENESIS — 45:26 believe

GEN1567 R. Shimon said: “Such is the punishment of the liar: even when he tells the truth, he is not believed.   For so we find with respect to Jacob’s sons. It is written Genesis 37:33: ‘And he recognized it and said: “it is the coat of my son.’” Therefore, in the end, even though they spoke the truth, he did not believe them, as it is written: ‘And his heart fainted, for he did not believe them’” Avoth d’R. Nathan TEMIMAH-GEN 178


GENESIS — 46:1 father

GEN1571 It is not written: “to the God of his father, Abraham.” R. Yochanan said: “This teaches us that one must give more honor to his father than to his father’s father.” [Midrash Rabbah]. We may derive from this that one is, indeed, duty-bound to honor his father’s father, but that his father’s honor takes precedence.  Rama to Yoreh Deah 240:24  TEMIMAH-GEN 178


GENESIS — 47:6 cattle

GEN1575 R. Yossi opened with remarks in honor of the host, expounding: “now if Egypt drew Israel close only for its own benefit, as it is written: ‘Now if you know that there are among them any able men, then make them rules over my cattle’ – the Torah still commanded Deuteronomy 23:8: ‘Do not hate an Egyptian, because you were a stranger in his land’ – then one who hosts a Torah scholar, and feeds him, and gives him to drink, and benefits him with his possessions – how much more so is he to be commended!” Berachot 63b TEMIMAH-GEN 181


GENESIS — 48:5 sons

GEN1587 It was taught: “If a woman curses her husband’s father in his [her husband’s] presence, she is divorced without receiving the amount stipulated in her kethubah [marriage contract.] R. Yehudah said in the name of Shmuel: “This need not be specifically in his presence, but applies even if she curses his father in the presence of his children [for ‘grandchildren are considered, as children.’] A device for remembering this is: ‘Ephraim and Menashe will be to me as Reuven and Shimon’” Ketubot 72b TEMIMAH-GEN 185


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