"For Instruction shall come forth from Zion, The word of the L-rd from Jerusalem." -- Isaiah 2:3


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GENESIS — 18:5 do

GEN915 Why, in relation to Abraham is it written: “[They immediately said] Do so, as you have spoken,” and in relation to Lot Genesis 19:3: “And he entreated them exceedingly, and [only thereafter] they went unto him”? R. Elazar said:  “From here we see that a lesser man is to be refused, but not a great one” [bracketed explanations are from Sefaria.org] Baba Metzia 87a TEMIMAH-GEN 81


GENESIS — 18:8 stood

GEN932 Once R. Eliezer, R. Yehoshua, and R. Tzadok were seated at the feast of R. Gamliel’s son, and R. Gamliel stood and gave them to drink.   At this, R. Eliezer said to R. Yehoshua: “What is this, Yehoshua?   We are sitting and R. Gamliel b’Rabbi [a title of distinction] is standing over us and giving us to drink!” To this, R. Yehoshua replied: “We find one greater than he who served thus.   Abraham was the greatest man of his generation, and yet it is written of him: ‘And he stood over them.’ Now you may say that they appeared to him as ministering angels, yet the truth is that they appeared to him only as Arabs – and we – R. Gamliel b’Rabbi should not stand over us and give us to drink?” Kiddushin 32b TEMIMAH-GEN 82


GENESIS — 18:9 where

GEN936 It was taught in the name of R. Yossi: “Why are there dots above the aleph, yod, vav in eilav? The Torah is hereby teaching us proper conduct – that one should inquire as to the well-being of his host” [aleph-yod-vav = “ayo” (“Where is he [Abraham]?” – a question the angels asked Sarah, just as they asked Abraham where Sarah was)] Baba Betzia 86a   TEMIMAH-GEN 83


GENESIS — 18:9 where

GEN938 R. Yehudah said in the name of Rav: “The ministering angels knew that our mother Sarah was in the tent.  Why, then, did they ask?  To endear her to her husband” [knowing he would reply that she was in the tent, in keeping with her modesty.] R. Yossi b. R. Chanina said: “To send her the cup of blessing” [It is customary to recite Grace after Meals over a cup of wine, which is then distributed among those present.] [bracketed explanation is from Sefaria.org]  Baba Betzia 86a  TEMIMAH-GEN 83


GENESIS — 18:12 old

GEN943 It was taught in the forum of R. Yishmael: “Great is peace, for the Holy One Blessed be He Himself deviated from the truth for its sake, as it is written: ‘And Sarah laughed, saying: “And my lord is old,”’ yet subsequently it is written: ‘And the Lord said to Abraham: “Why did Sarah laugh, saying: ‘I am old’?”’” Baba Metzia 87a TEMIMAH-GEN 84


GENESIS — 18:17 hide

GEN958 Ravina asked one of the Rabbis: “Whence is derived the formula [Proverbs] of the Rabbis: ‘The remembrance of the righteous is for blessing’?” The latter answered: “From the fact that it is written: ‘Shall I conceal from Abraham,’ and, immediately thereafter [Genesis 18:18]: ‘And Abraham will be a great nation’” [Apparently, once the name of a righteous person is mentioned, it is followed directly by praise of the individual. [Bracket explanation is from Sefaria.org]   Yoma 38b TEMIMAH-GEN 85


GENESIS — 18:19 just

GEN984 A certain translator began his discourse by saying: “Our brothers, men of lovingkindness, the sons of men of lovingkindness, who abide by the covenant of our father Abraham, of whom it is written: “For I have known him so that he may command his sons and his household after him to heed the way of the Lord, to do righteousness and justice …’” Ketubot 8b TEMIMAH-GEN 86


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