"For Instruction shall come forth from Zion, The word of the L-rd from Jerusalem." -- Isaiah 2:3


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GENESIS — 24:61 rode

GEN1192 It was taught in the forum of R. Yishmael: “One should always speak ‘cleanly,’ for in relation to a zav [a man afflicted with a genital flow] the Torah referred to his seat as merkav [connoting straddling with the legs], whereas in relation to a zavah [a woman so afflicted], her seat is referred to as moshav [connoting a side-saddle position.] But is it not written: ‘And Rivkah and her maidens arose and rode [vatirkavnah (straddling)] on the camels’! – Because of their fear of [being thrown from] the camels’! – Because of their fear of [being thrown from] the camels, this position was considered natural [and not immodest]” Pesachim 3a TEMIMAH-GEN 113


GENESIS — 25:23 people

GEN1208 R. Elazar said: “Even fetuses in their mothers’ womb curse the flatterer, as it is written Proverbs 24:24: ‘He who says to the evil-doer: “You are righteous,” will be cursed by the nations, will be abhorred by the leumim’ and ‘leum’ means a fetus, as it is written: ‘Uleom mileom ye’ematz’ “ [“leom” in this context being understood as a fetus]” Sotah 41b TEMIMAH-GEN 117


GENESIS — 25:23 people  

GEN1209 R. Shimon Chasida said: “A teacher who withholds a halachah from his student is cursed even by fetuses in their mothers’ womb, as it is written Proverbs 11:26: ‘He who withholds bar shall be cursed by leom.’ ‘Leom’ signifies a fetus, as it is written: ‘Uleom mileom ye’ematz,’ and ‘bar’ connotes Torah, as it is written Psalms 2:12: ‘Desire bar’ [in context, ‘Torah’]” Sanhedrin 92a TEMIMAH-GEN 117


GENESIS — 27:12 trickster

GEN1238 R. Elazar said: “Those who are deceptive in their speech are akin to idol-worshippers. It is written here: ‘And I will be a deceiver in his eyes, and elsewhere [in respect to idols] Jeremiah 10:15: ‘They are vanity, the work of deception […the portion of Jacob is not as these’]” Sanhedrin 92a TEMIMAH-GEN 122


GENESIS — 28:22 tithe

GEN1281 [lit., “I will tenth; I will tenth”] – It was taught: “One who gives more than the required amount of charity should not exceed that amount by more than a fifth, for he might come to be beholden to his fellows.   Whence is this derived? From the verse: ‘And all that You give me, I will tenth; I will tenth it [(two-tenths, or, one-fifth)] to You’” Ketubot 50a TEMIMAH-GEN 129


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