"For Instruction shall come forth from Zion, The word of the L-rd from Jerusalem." -- Isaiah 2:3


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DEUTERONOMY — 5:16 lengthened

DEUT172 It was taught: R. Yaakov says: There is no reward for a mitzvah in this world, there being no mitzvah in the Torah whose reward is made explicit, which is not dependent upon the resurrection [i.e., the world to come]. In respect to the honoring of parents it is written: "so that your days be lengthened, and so that it be good for you." In respect to the mitzvah of sending away the mother bird, it is written (Deuteronomy 22:7): "so that it be good for you and your days be lengthened." Now in the instance of one who was told by his father: "Go up to that promontory and bring me some pigeons," and who, accordingly, went up and sent away the mother bird and took the fledglings [as per the mitzvah], and yet, upon returning, fell and was killed -- where is his good and his length of days! It must be, then, [that this verse is to be understood as]: "So that it be good for you" -- in the world that is entirely good [i.e., the world to come]; and: "so that your days be lengthened" -- in the world that is entirely long [i.e., eternal] (Kiddushin 39b)


DEUTERONOMY — 5:27 return

DEUT192 Let us analyze this. It is already written (Exodus 19:15): "Be ready by the third day; do not come near a woman." Why, then, need it be further stated [after the receiving of the Law]: "Return to your tents"] [i.e., to your wives]? We are hereby taught that anything instituted by consensus needs a corresponding consensus to abrogate it [the "consensus" in this case being that of the Lord himself] (Beitzah 5b)


DEUTERONOMY — 6:5 love

DEUT218 It was taught: "And you shall love the Lord your God" -- Cause the name of Heaven to become beloved through you. One should study the Law, serve Torah scholars, be honest in his dealings, and speak gently with people. [If he does so,] what do people say if him? This man who studied Torah -- how pleasant are his ways, how becoming are his deeds! (Yoma 86a)


DEUTERONOMY — 7:15 ill

DEUT354 It was taught: Rebbi says: "And the Lord shall remove from you every ill" -- this is "burning" [i.e., high fever]. R. Eliezer b. Yaakov says This is ambition-- in consistency with his view, viz. (28:48): "And He shall put a yoke of iron upon your neck" -- this is ambition. R. Avon says: This is the evil inclination, whose beginning is sweet, and whose end is bitter [("ill,") "choli," being similar to "chali," ("sweet")] (Yerushalmi Shabbath 14:3)


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