"For Instruction shall come forth from Zion, The word of the L-rd from Jerusalem." -- Isaiah 2:3


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DEUTERONOMY — 23:25 grapes

DEUT1313 Now would it enter your mind that he should eat sticks and stones? Why, then, need "grapes" be mentioned? The intent is that he should not peel figs [and eat only the core, in which instance he would eat a greater number of figs], and he should not suck out [the wine of] grapes [and discard the rest] (Yerushalmi Bava Metzia 7:2)


DEUTERONOMY — 23:25 vineyard

DEUT1316 This tells me only of a vineyard. Whence do I derive [the same halachah] for all [similar] instances? It is derived from "vineyard," viz.: Just as a vineyard is characterize3d by being a growth of the soil, and at its fruition the laborer eats of it, so, the laborer may eat of all growths of the soil at their fruition (Bava Metzia 87b)


DEUTERONOMY — 24:1 thing

DEUT1329 R. Pappa said to Rava: If he found in her neither "nakedness" nor a "thing" [of any kind], and he divorced her, what is the halachah? [i.e., is the divorce valid?] He answered: Since Scripture made manifest in respect to a ravisher (22:29): "He shall not be able to send her away all of his days" -- all of his days he is subject to the positive commandant of taking her back -- it is there that this was made manifest; but here, what was done was done [and the divorce stands] (GIttin 90a)


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