"For Instruction shall come forth from Zion, The word of the L-rd from Jerusalem." -- Isaiah 2:3


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EXODUS — 25:30 bread

EXOD949 Arrange the bread on the table in the Beis HaMikdash. Hashem gave us a constant commandment to be carried out with bread because bread is the staff of life and blessing must be found in our bread at all times. To this end, Hashem gives us a constant mitzvah involving bread, and by occupying ourselves in this mitzvah we draw down blessing and the bread in our stomachs will be nourishing and satiating. When a person uses any object for the fulfillment of the Divine Will, the object becomes blessed and gives him benefits. To the extent that we turn our thoughts and efforts towards every aspect of any mitzvah, we will benefit accordingly from wellsprings of blessing contained in the mitzvah. Although we place bread in the Beis Hamikdash and light a Menorah there and bring offerings on the Altar, no one in the world should possibly think that Hashem in any way benefits from the bread, the light or the offerings. All of the mitzvos are for our benefit. Hashem gives us commandments so that through fulfillment of His Will we can draw down His blessing upon us, from His infinite abundance of good.


EXODUS — 27:21 arrange

EXOD953 Light the Menorah in the Beis HaMikdash. Hashem command us to always have lights burning in the Beis HaMikdash, to promote an atmosphere of majesty and splendor, as a person kindles lights in his home to beautify, dignify and enhance its atmosphere and appearance. Why so much splendor in the Beis HaMikdash? It is only so that when people come there, they will feel awe and humility before Hashem.


EXODUS — 28:4 garments

EXOD954 The Kohanim shall wear special priestly garments. … when the Kohanim in the Beis HaMikdash perform their duties wearing special priestly garments, it contributes to the atmosphere of splendor and majesty. The more awesome and impressive the atmosphere, the stronger will be the effect on the hearts of people who enter the Beis HaMikdash. The hearts of sinners will soften and they will return to Hashem.


EXODUS — 29:33 eat

EXOD959 Kohanim shall eat of sin offerings and guilt offerings. As is known, all actions done with the offerings are meant to positively influence our thoughts and intentions, to incline them towards the good, so that we subdue our baser urges and are inspired to follow our souls and perform mitzvos. For this reason, regarding all of our dealings with the Beis HaMikdash and the offerings, the Torah commands us conduct ourselves with the utmost respect and reverence, so that awe and humility will fill our hearts whenever we enter or even just think of the Beis HaMikdash. Honorable conduct regarding the offerings requires that the Kohanim eat the meat of the offerings that they bring on our behalf in the Beit HaMikdash. The Kohanim are forbidden to sell the meat, or to give it to their servants or the dogs. Similarly, the Kohanim must eat the meat in a holy place, and they must not let it remain uneaten for a long period of time, lest it spoil and lose its appeal. All of these laws reflect the great value and holiness of the offerings.


EXODUS — 30:7 incense

EXOD960 Offer the incense. Key concept: Enhance the atmosphere of majesty and splendor in the Beis HaMikdash, so that the Beis HaMikdash instills fear and awe in us to the point that it is visible on our faces. There is no way to accomplish this goal except through objects and practices that people enjoy and that trigger feelings of importance, majesty and greatness. Pleasant fragrances are extremely appealing to the soul. The heart, too, is strongly drawn to them. Therefore, in the Beis HaMikdash, incense is burned, and no human being can ever create a more appealing and wonderful fragrance.


EXODUS — 30:32 oil

EXOD964 No stranger shall use the anointing oil. Key concept: To accentuate the glory and importance of the Beis HaMikdash and every aspect of it. It would be inappropriate to allow just anyone to benefit from the special oil for anointing that is kept in the Beis HaMikdash. Only the elite of our nation, the kings and priests, can have this oil on their skin. By making the anointing oil off limits to everyone else, its importance and value is accentuated and people desire it.


EXODUS — 35:3 Shabbat

EXOD1061 Do not administer the death penalty on Shabbos. On Shabbos, courts shall not administer the death penalty of burning. So, too, if someone is found guilty of an offense that carries a different form of capital punishment, the offender shall not be put to death on Shabbos. Hashem wants to honor and sanctify the Shabbos. He wants everyone to find rest on Shabbos, even sinners and criminals. The matter can be likened to a great king who invites everyone to his kingdom to a royal feast. No one is excluded, and only after the day of the feast does the king mete out justice to those who have violated his will. The Shabbos, too, is for everyone. Hashem makes it special, for our benefit. Forbidding the courts from administering the death penalty on Shabbos is yet another way to set the Shabbos apart from weekdays and accentuate its sanctity.


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