"For Instruction shall come forth from Zion, The word of the L-rd from Jerusalem." -- Isaiah 2:3


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LEVITICUS — 10:6 long

LEV92 Kohanim shall not enter the Sanctuary if the hair on their heads has grown long and wild. Key concept: To preserve and promote the atmosphere of glory and majesty in the Beis HaMikdash, in any way possible. To this end, the Kohanim serving there are forbidden to enter there displaying an appearance that resembles that of a mourner or other aggrieved people. Rather, their appearance and demeanor must indicate joy, happiness and pleasure. This mitzvah falls in line with the guiding principle stated above--that all matters of the Beis HaMikdash are to inspire us to think and act with virtue, so that we distance ourselves from all that is ugly, crass and sinful. Accordingly, Kohanim who enter the Beis HaMikdash cannot exhibit any reminder of death, sadness or grief. Proper service of Hashem is with joy, so the Kohanim must have a happy, dignified appearance while performing their duties. Thereby, all who come to the Beis HaMikdash are impressed by the atmosphere of blessing, splendor, majesty, and holiness. Awe enters their hearts and they are inspired to seek such greatness and holiness for themselves. Thereby they become fit for Heaven's blessings.


LEVITICUS — 11:4 eat

LEV100 Do not eat forbidden animals and beasts. All foods that Hashem forbids His nation are in some way harmful to their bodies. The body is the tool of the soul, because by virtue of the body that clothes it, the soul can act and be elevated by good deeds. Therefore, Hashem distances us from harmful foods. Thereby, our souls can act in the correct way, without hindrances from the body’s crass nature and a blocked up heart.


LEVITICUS — 11:32 nightfall

LEV110 After having been spiritually impure, a Kohen who has immersed in a mikvah during the day shall not serve in the Beis HaMikdash until after nightfall. A Kohen is an emissary between his fellow Jews and Hashem. When he brings offerings in the Sanctuary his brethren regain closeness to Hashem for they gain atonement for their sins. Therefore, while performing his duties in the Sanctuary the Kohen must be spiritually pure. If he loses his spiritual purity and begins the process of restoring it, only Hashem knows when the Kohen completely regains his purity and is again fit to serve in the Sanctuary. Hashem reveals to us that the time comes with the appearance of three stars on the night after the Kohen’s ritual immersion.


LEVITICUS — 12:2 unclean

LEV129 Laws of spiritual impurity for a woman after childbirth. As to a woman's required separation from her husband for a certain span of time every month, our Sages reveal one of the major benefits: she is more beloved to her husband when the separation ends, and neither one will become repulsive to the other. This reason also applies to a woman who has given birth.


LEVITICUS — 13:2 tzaraas

LEV136 Laws of spiritual impurity observed by someone affected with tzara’as. The condition of tzara’as is meant to impress upon our souls that Hashem watches over His entire creation and is intimately aware of everything that each person thinks, says and does. Sin is the cause of this disease, and anyone who gets tzara’as is forbidden to think that he contracted it by chance. Our Sages say that most cases of tzara’as are due to the sin of lashon hara--derogatory or harmful speech about one's fellow Jew. Having spoken against his fellow Jew, the person must separate himself from society and go to the Kohen to show him the whiteness that has appeared on his skin. By associating with the Kohen, perhaps he will be moved to repent and abandon his sin. The Kohen places him in confinement for a few days, during which time he can carefully reflect upon his deeds, recognize his sin and repent. If his confinement does not cause him to repent, Hashem sends upon him more signs of tzara’as so that the Kohen will pronounce another period of confinement upon him. Perhaps he will now repent his sin and Hashem will rid him of the tzara’as for He is watching him all the while and knows his thoughts. If the sinner repents Hashem will cure him.


LEVITICUS — 13:33 shave

LEV137 Do not shave off the hairs immediately adjacent to a sign of tzara’as.... for only if the adjacent hair is left alone will the Kohen be able to determine whether the balding is spreading. Through this mitzvah, the afflicted person receives a hint that he must accept the woe and punishment that Hashem has sent upon him. He must not try to conceal or nullify what has happened. He must not rebel against his punishment. Rather he must accept it and beg for mercy so that Hashem will cure him.


LEVITICUS — 13:45 grow

LEV139 He who has tzara’as, and so, too, anyone whose spiritual impurity might be passed on to others, must publicize his condition. ... people who are spiritually impure and can pass the impurity onto others must let their condition be known, so that people will withdraw from them. Key concept: His separation from other people reminds him that his sin distanced him from all good. This realization will spur him to repentance. [As our Sages say, “Through his damaging words, he placed a separation between husband and wife, between man and his fellow. Therefore, out of the camp shall be his dwelling place.”] An important general principle: Heaven relates to each of us “measure for measure.” Just as the types of reward that we receive are fitting for our good deeds, the types of punishments we suffer are fitting for our transgressions. Hashem does not desire to punish, for at all He wants only to bestow blessing upon all who are deserving. By sinning, however, a person draws evil upon himself, for he makes himself unworthy of receiving the blessings that Hashem is eager to send. Temporarily, Hashem conceals His face from him, until he receives the punishment that is due him.


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