"For Instruction shall come forth from Zion, The word of the L-rd from Jerusalem." -- Isaiah 2:3


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EXODUS — 23:19 boil

EXOD893 On three occasions, the Bible forbids the cooking of an animal in its mother's milk (this verse, Exodus 34:26, and Deuteronomy 14:21). Jewish law derives from this repetition additional prohibitions, the most well-known of which is a ban on eating milk and meat foods together. But the verse's most fundamental prohibition is its literal one, forbidding behavior that is heartless. Obviously, the mother animal will not be aware that her child is being cooked in the milk she produced, but such behavior results in a person taking perverse pleasure in the suffering of other creatures. [Nachmanides understands this prohibition as rooted in the Torah's desire to keep Jews from becoming a "cruel nation"(Commentary on Deuteronomy 14:21). The same rationale applies to the previously cited regulation: "The essence of the prohibition is not in killing the animal and its offspring [on one day]… but rather… the most important issue is so that we not become cruel" (Commentary on Deuteronomy 22:6).


EXODUS — 23:19 cook

EXOD896 Do not cook meat in milk. The prohibition on eating milk and meat together does not appear to be based on health considerations. Rather, the Torah does not want meat and milk to be cooked together, for as we wrote above (mitzvah 62 [i.e., Exodus 22:17--AJL) regarding sorcery, certain mixtures and combinations are prohibited simply because they run counter to Hashem's Will. The Almighty wants everything in [the] world to operate according to the laws of nature that He instituted when He brought Creation into being. The Torah does not allow the combination of milk and meat, so cooking the two together is forbidden, even if no one consumes the mixture.


EXODUS — 23:19 fruits

EXOD897 Bring your first fruits to the Beis HaMikdash. Key concept: To know and remember that all of the good that we have comes from Hashem. Therefore, He commands us to bring our first fruits to His sanctuary and give them to a Kohen who serves Him there. Through recalling that He is the Source of all blessing, through accepting His rule and authority and declaring before Him and His Sanctuary that all good in the world comes from Him, we become worthy of His blessings and He will bless our fruits.


EXODUS — 23:25 bless

EXOD901 It has already been stated that the relation of nature to the Torah is like that of a servant to his master; for the forces of nature, in governing the world, operate in accordance with the Torah, as it says: “You will serve Hashem your God, and He will bless your bread and your water; and I will remove sickness from your midst” (Shemos 23:25 ); “He said, ‘If you listen carefully to Hashem your God and do that which is right in His eyes, obeying His commandments and keeping all His statutes, then I will not bring upon you all the sickness which I brought upon Egypt, for I am God your cap Healer’” (ibid. 15:26). There are many similar passages.


EXODUS — 23:32 covenant

EXOD903 Do not make a covenant with the seven Canaanite nations or other idol worshippers. The Torah forbids any treaty or covenant with the seven Canaanite nations that dwelled in the Jewish homeland when the Jewish nation arrived there from Egypt. Do not make peace with them and do not allow them to continue to practice idol worship in the Jewish homeland. Key concept: Rid the world of idols and idol worship. The seven Canaanite nations were the world's most ardent worshippers of idols and were the prime founders of this evil. Therefore, the Torah commands us to search them out everywhere and eliminate them. The command also forbids us to make a covenant with any nation that worships idols. Regarding other idol worshipping nations, however, we are not commanded to make war against them and kill them if they do not attack us. Rather, such peoples are simply not allowed to dwell in our homeland as long as they worship idols. As to the seven Canaanite nations, we must search them out everywhere and wage constant war against them until no trace of them remains, unless they renounce idol worship--for as noted, these nations are the world's main idol worshippers and are the source of this evil.


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