"For Instruction shall come forth from Zion, The word of the L-rd from Jerusalem." -- Isaiah 2:3


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GENESIS — 1:27 image

GEN99 The commentators take the statement to refer to God’s attributes. He gave His creatures the power to emulate His middoth; to do good and to act with kindness towards their fellow men, as Scripture has it (Psalm 134:9): “God is good to all …” (Psalm 136:25) “He gives food to all flesh, for His chesed endures forever.” The existence of the entire world then depends on this virtue …  AHAVCH 82


GENESIS — 1:27 image

GEN102 Man is made up of both body and soul (with attributes of both angels and earthly creatures -- Genesis Rabbah 14:3) and each has legitimate needs. … Jewish holiness believes that the needs of the body should be satisfied, but only for a spiritual purpose.  By using the physical enjoyment of the body as a means to honor God, the act becomes holy.  AMEMEI 100


GENESIS — 1:27 image

GEN103 Numerous sources indicate the caring that Judaism demonstrates for all non-Jews in general.  For example, the special prayer of praise recited on every festival by Jews is called Hallel.  On every festival all the numerous paragraphs (from the Psalms) are chanted.  However, on the last six days of Passover, two paragraphs are omitted and only “half Hallel” is recited.  Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim 490:4.  Why are these paragraphs of praise omitted?  The Talmud answers that since the Egyptians drowned at the end of the original Passover, it would be inappropriate to sing praise of God.  However, these were the Egyptians who murdered and tortured thousands of Jews, who kept Jews enslaved with backbreaking work for two hundred ten years?  Nevertheless, says God, every human being is His creation and we must be sad when a human life is lost, even that of an enemy. Megillah 10b This is also why Jews remove ten symbolic drops at the Passover seder, to deny a full cup of joy, as many Egyptians suffered through the Ten Plagues.  Since non-Jews are creations of God, they also have within them the Divine Image given to every human being.  See also discussion at Numbers 29:12-36. AMEMEI 192


GENESIS — 1:27 image

GEN104 One who (intentionally) does not have children is equated to a murderer [since the verse “Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed” Genesis 9:6 is immediately followed by “And you, be fruitful and multiply” Genesis 9:7;] or one who diminishes the image of God, since denying children to come into the world denies more of the image of God in the world. Yevamot 63b.  AMEMEI 313


GENESIS — 1:27 image

GEN106 What makes man uniquely man, with the spark of the divine and different from all creatures in the world, is his ability to think and use knowledge gained from those thoughts.  Therefore, all scientific investigation and any other endeavors where man uses his brain is very much part of Judaism. Seforno commentary.  Maimonides goes even further. He begins his book of Jewish law, the Mishneh Torah, by saying that it is man’s duty to use his intellect to discover and try to understand the Creator.  The very brain that is criticized by other religions as an instrument of secularism and as antireligious must be used by the Jews in pursuit and understanding of God. Through man’s investigation and understanding of the physical world (normally called science), he will come to a better understanding of God.  Laws of Foundations of Torah 1:1, 2:2.  AMEMEI 242


GENESIS — 1:27 image

GEN107 Even a sinner who is a Jewish leader must be accorded the minimum level of human dignity and may not be shunned by the community.  Every human being retains a part of God inside of him or her and thus must be accorded basic human dignity and honor.  However, when it comes to Jewish leaders, there is one caveat.  The Code of Jewish Law states that if a leader or Rabbi retains his evil ways, then this person must be shunned by the Jewish community, even though his talents may be desperately needed by the community. Shulchan Aruch, Yoreh De’ah 246:8 Thus, Judaism does not separate between one’s moral values and actions, and the ability to perform one’s duties admirably.  Until a person has admitted his sin and has returned to the proper path, the community may and should ignore the person.  But once this change has occurred, this leader must be accorded the minimum honor and dignity, and as with any sinner, may not be reminded of his checkered past.  Baba Metzia 58b   AMJV 308


GENESIS — 1:27 image

GEN108 Many have understood the Godliness in man’s ability to create in the world, just as God creates in the world.  It is that ability to do something new that makes man Godly, unlike any other creature created by God.  This concept seems to encourage all types of creativity by man, including all scientific breakthroughs such as cloning.  AMJV 54


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