"For Instruction shall come forth from Zion, The word of the L-rd from Jerusalem." -- Isaiah 2:3


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LEVITICUS — 19:36 brought

LEV809 Rava said: Why does Scripture mention the exodus from Egypt in connection with weights? The Holy One Blessed be He is saying [as it were]: "I am He who distinguished in Egypt between the drop of the first-born and the drop which was not of the first-born; I am He who is destined to exact payment from him who dips his weights in salt" [to make them heavier] (Bava Metzia 61b).


LEVITICUS — 20:9 curses

LEV832 The Rabbis taught: I might think, since there is liability both for striking and for cursing, that just as there is liability for striking only in a lifetime of the parent, so there is liability for cursing only in his lifetime; it is, therefore, written: "He has cursed his father and his mother" -- even after death (Sanhedrin 85b)


LEVITICUS — 20:18 bared

LEV847 Ulla said: Whence is it derived that peripheral [non-consummated] intercourse ["he'arah"] is forbidden by Scripture? It is written: "And a man who lies…he has bared her fountain." From here it is derived that peripheral intercourse is forbidden by the Torah [it being referred to as "lying," the convention term for intercourse] (Yevamoth 54a)


LEVITICUS — 20:26 apart

LEV857 It was taught: "R. Elazar b. Azaryah says: Whence is it derived that a man should not say: I do not desire to eat the flesh of a pig; I do not desire to live with the forbidden relations, [but that he should say:] I do desire it, but what can I do? My Father in heaven has decreed against it! It is derived from: "and I have set you apart from the peoples to be unto Me" (Torath Cohanim)


LEVITICUS — 24:22 one

LEV952 R. Chanina said: According to the Torah, both capital cases and monetary litigations require thorough cross-examination of the witnesses. Why, then, did the sages say that monetary litigations do not require such cross-examination? So that the door not be closed to borrowers [people fearing to lend, lest their witnesses be "caught" in some technicality of cross-examination] (Sanhedrin 3a)


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