"For Instruction shall come forth from Zion, The word of the L-rd from Jerusalem." -- Isaiah 2:3


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DEUTERONOMY — 28:47 joy

DEUT1545 The second [reason] [I.e., For the mitzvah to eat a set meal on the day before Yom Kippur]--on every other Yom Tov we eat a set meal for the joy of the mitzvah. The reward for feeling joy in fulfilling the mitzvos is very great and exalted, as the pasuk says (I Divrei Hayamim 29:17), "Now I have seen Your people, who are present here; with joy they have donated to You." [This is referring to the outpouring of donations for the building of the Beis HaMikdash. The next pasuk goes on to say, "Hashem...keep this forever," and Rashi comments, "Evoke, on our behalf, this donation as a great mitzvah."] The pasuk also says [this verse], "[These curses will come upon you…] because you did not serve Hashem, your God, with joy and goodness of heart." [We can infer from this that great blessing comes to those who fulfill the mitzvos out of joy.] Since we must fast on Yom Kippur, we are required to eat the set meal [that is associated] with the joy of the mitzvah [I.e., The mitzvah of observing the Yom Tov of Yom Kippur] instead.


DEUTERONOMY — 28:47 serve

DEUT1547 (Continued from Deuteronomy 15:9 mean AHAVCH 103-4). It is also evident from literature that the sin of withholding charity or chesed from a fellow Jew causes one's possessions eventually to pass into the hands of others, he himself being left naked and bare. [This] verse expresses the idea []. ... The rule applies to chesed as well. (Continued at [[EXOD702]] Exodus 22:24 lend AHAVCH 104).


DEUTERONOMY — 28:50 ruthless

DEUT1551 Cruelty is the opposite of mercy, as it is written (Yirmeyahu 50:42): "They are cruel and have no mercy." This trait is not found in the righteous, but in the souls of the wicked, as it is written (Mishlei 12:10): "And the mercies of the wicked are cruel." This trait is also found among the arrogant, as it is written [this verse]: "An arrogant nation, that does not respect the old and is not merciful to the young." The evil of the trait of cruelty is well known, as may be induced from the fact that the punishment of the wicked, rebellious man is thus epitomized (Mishlei 17:11): "The wicked man seeks only rebellion, but a cruel messenger it will be sent against him." The cruel man does not possess lovingkindness, as it is written (ibid.11:17): "The man of kindness is good to his soul, but the cruel one despises his flesh."


DEUTERONOMY — 28:58 fear

DEUT1552 God declares in plain words that it is the object of all religious acts to produce in man fear of God and obedience to His word--the state of mind which we have demonstrated in this chapter for those who desire to know the truth, as being our duty to seek. Comp. [this verse]. Consider how clearly it is stated here that the only object and aim of "all the words of this law" is to (make man) fear "the glorious and fearful name." That this end is attained by certain acts we learn likewise from the phrase employed in this verse: "If thou wilt not observe to do… that thou mayest fear." For this phrase clearly shows that fear of God is inculcated (into our hearts) when we act in accordance with the positive and the negative precepts. But the truths which the Law teaches us--the knowledge of God's Existence and Unity--create in us love of God, as we have shown repeatedly. You know how frequently the Law exhorts us to love God. Comp. "And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all they might." (Deuteronomy 6:5 ) The two objects, love and fear of God, are acquired by two different means. The love is the result of the truths taught in the Law, including the true knowledge of the Existence of God, whilst fear of God is produced by the practices prescribed in the Law. Guide of the Perplexed, III, chap. 52. (Maimonides)


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