"For Instruction shall come forth from Zion, The word of the L-rd from Jerusalem." -- Isaiah 2:3


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DEUTERONOMY — 22:29 lies

DEUT1201 The ravisher gives four things: the fine, and [payment for] shame, injury, and suffering, it being written: "Then the man who lies with her shall give fifty [shekels of] silver": For the enjoyment of lying with her he gives fifty shekels -- whence it is inferred that there is also [payment for] shame, injury, and suffering (Ketuvoth 40b)


DEUTERONOMY — 22:29 relations

DEUT1202 If a man forces relations on an unmarried chaste woman, he must marry her. Key concept: Discourage immoral men from committing this despicable sin, and to save our nation's young women from being preyed upon. If the assailant knows that after his deed, his victim will be attached to him forever, and even if she is despicable to him, he will have to feed and clothe her and live with her as all men live with their wives, he will think twice. If he realizes that he also will have to pay a fine to her father, he hopefully will control himself and refrain from the sin. Also, this law provides some degree of consolation for the disgraced maiden, for she now has a husband, and no one will embarrass her further.


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