"For Instruction shall come forth from Zion, The word of the L-rd from Jerusalem." -- Isaiah 2:3


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DEUTERONOMY — 22:7 bird

DEUT1135 Send away the mother bird from her nest. Key concept is to call to our minds that Divine Providence over mankind extends to each individual, while it extends to the animal kingdom only in a general way, for the sake of preserving each species. That is, Hashem desires the survival of each different species of the lower creatures, so He watches over the animal kingdom to guard that no species completely disappears. When a person reflects upon the concept of Divine Providence over the animal kingdom, it calls to mind that Hashem watches over mankind as well. One realizes that with regard to people, the Almighty watches over each individual, and will help and preserve all who keep His commandments, purify their hearts and improve their ways to try to get close to Him. He will give such people long life in this world, and their souls will live forever in the World to Come. As a result of sending away the mother bird, such thoughts fill a person's mind. He acknowledges that the preservation of each animal species is beneficial for the world at large, and he recalls that the entire matter is supervised and managed by Hashem. Having performed this mitzvah, acknowledged its truths and put them to his heart, then measure for measure, he merits that Hashem turns His protective Eye upon him as well, with a special blessing that he, as an individual, survive and flourish. Our Sages warn us that we should not think that this mercy is a manifestation of Hashem's Attribute of Mercy. Rather, the mitzvah is decree from before Him. It is a Divine commandment that He gives us in order that we will earn merit when we fulfill it. The Ramban compares this mitzvah to the commandment not to slaughter a mother animal and its child on the same day. Mother animals experience great worry and anxiety when they see their offspring suffering. Like people, animals become distraught at such a sight, for a mother's love for her offspring does not spring from powers of the intellect. Even lower creatures are capable of such feelings.


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