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DEUTERONOMY — 22:5 dress

DEUT1124 Females may not dress as males. Key concept: Distance from the Holy Nation any immodest practice. As Hashem distances us from the worst and ugliest forms of immorality, He keeps us from anything that even hints of these sins, for immodesty easily can lead a person off of the correct path and onto the path of evil. This is an area that can completely change a person's thoughts from being good to being bad and foolish. Without question, if women were to wear the same clothing as men, the sexes would intermingle constantly and the world would be filled with promiscuity. Another reason for the mitzvah is to distance us from idol worship, for it was the way of idol worshippers to have women dress in men’s clothing.


DEUTERONOMY — 22:5 garment

DEUT1125 It is a negative commandment that a man's garment, etc., should not be on a woman as Scripture says, A woman shall not wear what pertains to a man [this verse]. This means clothing and ornaments that are widely known in the city to be specifically for a man. A woman is not to wear them. Nor is she to shave her head like a man.


DEUTERONOMY — 22:5 garment

DEUT1126 It is negative commandment that a man should not wear a woman's garment as Scripture says, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment [this verse]. "A woman's garment" denotes clothing and ornaments which are widely known in the city to be specifically for a woman. So too, if a man plucks white hairs from among the dark, from his head or his beard--even one hair; or if he dyes his hair dark -- even if he dies one white hair -- by any one of these acts he violates this [prohibition]. By the laws of the Sages a man is not to remove the hair of his armpits or his pubic hair. Whoever removes it from a place [on the body] where none but women [generally] remove it, is to be beaten with whiplashes of disobedience. It is permissible, however, to remove the hair of other limbs and parts, everywhere, with a scissors.


DEUTERONOMY — 22:6 nest

DEUT1128 The reward of [even] a light mitzvah is great and wondrous, immeasurably so and beyond one's calculations [Hosea 2:1]. Observe the nature of shiluach ha'ken [i.e., the mitzvah of sending the mother bird away from the nest before removing the chicks or eggs [this and next verse], whose fulfillment requires no effort and a little monetary outlay. The pasuk says in reference to it (Devarim 22:7), "... so that it may be well with you and that you live a long time." Our Sages, z"l, commented (Chulin 142a), "Rabbi Yaakov said: There is no mitzvah in the Torah, [even] a light one [the reading in our Talmud is, "where its reward is written by it."] that the resurrection of the dead does not depend on it. For the pasuk says regarding shiluach ha'ken: 'So that it be good for you [and you have length of days].' 'So that it be good for you'--in the world that is entirely good; 'and you have length of days -- in the world that is forever long" [I.e., the World to Come, which is entirely good and forever long." If the Torah says this concerning a light mitzvah, which is like an issar [i.e., whose fulfillment requires little monetary outlay (Rashi). An issar was a copper coin of relatively little value; there were eight prutos to an issar. See the Second Gate, note 106.], how much more is this applicable to the more weighty mitzvos.


DEUTERONOMY — 22:6 take

DEUT1129 Although Jewish law permits eating animals and birds, the Torah specifically forbids taking away fledglings or eggs in the presence of the mother bird [this and next verse]. This is one of only three laws--along with honoring one's parents (Exodus 20:12), and acting honestly in business (Deuteronomy 25:15)--for which the Torah promises long life. Maimonides (The Guide for the Perplexed 3:48) notes that the "pain of the animals under such circumstances is very great" (one would hope that most people would simply forgo taking either the eggs or the young birds).


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