"For Instruction shall come forth from Zion, The word of the L-rd from Jerusalem." -- Isaiah 2:3


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EXODUS — 15:26 healer

EXOD234 While God in the Jewish tradition is transcendent and awesome, the dominant emphases in Jewish theology are on God's immanence and beneficence. God is portrayed in the Bible as morally good, and God describes Himself as "a God compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in kindness and faithfulness, extending kindness to the thousandth generation, forgiving in equity, transgression, and sin." [Exodus 34:6-7; compare Numbers 14:18–19] Moreover, God is described many times in the Bible as our Healer [this verse; Deuteronomy 32:39; Isaiah 19:22, 57: 18–19; Jeremiah 30:17, 33:6; Hosea 6:1; Psalms 103:2-3, 107:20; and Job 5:18. Similarly, the daily liturgy proclaims, "Heal us, Lord, and we shall be healed"; Ultimately all health and healing rest with God], and the Torah promises that if we obey God's commandments, God will prevent illness in the first place [this verse; see also Deuteronomy 7:15 and compare 28:60] Indeed, in thinking about the relationship between God and illness, we must remember that most of us for most of our lives are healthy. We dare not take that for granted. It is a strong piece of evidence for a benevolent and compassionate God. These aspects of God can and should buoy up a sick person's hope.


EXODUS — 15:26 sickness

EXOD238 In how many ways should a person hold himself to an accounting before God? I say that there are a multitude of ways in which to make such an accounting. Of these, I will point out thirty. They can clarify to a person what he owes God, if he will bring them to mind and undertake to reflect on them and remember them always. Contemplating God's grace in sparing one from harm. … 19. One should make an accounting with himself of how the Creator spares him from the mishaps and troubles of this world, [from] the various ailments to which human beings are subject, and from other ordeals and crises-- such as imprisonment, hunger, thirst, cold, heat, poisoning, attacks by wild animals, leprosy, insanity, failure of the various senses, and the like-- while being aware that he deserves these and is liable to them, because of past transgressions and sins before God; because of the severity of his transgression and rebelling against his God; for making light of His word; for neglecting to thank and praise Him; for leaving His service; and for failing to repent and confess before God, having prolonged his disobedience despite God's constant favors to him and ongoing kindness toward him. When the intelligent individual considers this and thinks of the afflictions with which God tries human beings in this world, as we have described; and how God spares him from them and he escapes all of them, though he deserves them, he will then be full of praise for God's goodness toward him and will hasten to repent and ask forgiveness for past transgressions and sins, which the Creator put out of sight for so long. He will hasten to attach himself to God’s service, for fear of these [afflictions], so as to avoid them, as it says: “If you listen carefully to Hashem your God... then I will not bring upon you all the sickness which I brought upon Egypt” (Shemos 15:26); “God will remove from you all sickness; He will not bring upon you any of the dreadful diseases of Egypt, which you know of” (Devarim 7:15).


EXODUS — 15:26 sicknesses

EXOD239 One must remember the lovingkindness of Hashem in rescuing him from the world's calamities. He sees many men perishing under terrible affliction--through hunger, thirst, poison, leprosy, by the sword, by water, and by fire – – and he knows within himself that he is deserving of all these afflictions because of his many transgressions whereby he violated God's mandates. But in spite of his being absolutely wicked, the Blessed God has shown mercy on him and rescued him from all these afflictions. And he should know how humble he should be before his Creator and ask pardon every day on all occasions, and be heedful of His service and His praise, and implore Him to guard him against all of the afflictions that descend upon the world, as it is written [this verse]: "If you hear the voice of Hashem your God... all of the sicknesses which I brought upon Egypt I will not bring upon you, for I am Hashem Who heals you." (Devarim 7:15): And Hashem will remove from you every sickness, and all the terrible afflictions of Egypt which you knew, He will not bring upon you." And our Rabbis of blessed memory have said (Berachos 33a): "It is not the serpent, but the sin, that slays."


EXODUS — 15:26 upright

EXOD241 … the Midrash explains that this refers specifically to how a Jew behaves towards others in business, and then states that any Jew who treats others properly in commerce, it is as if that person has fulfilled the entire Torah. Mechilta, Beshalach 1. … proper behavior to others is the most important aspect of Judaism and life in general...


EXODUS — 15:26 upright

EXOD242 Morality is neither the whole of religion nor something distinct from religion. It is an integral part of the way in which religion translates itself into life and character. God is worshiped when moral duties are discharged faithfully. Psalms 15 and 24 present ethical behavior as the condition of communion with God. The Mekilta cites the comment of R. Eleazar of Modiim on [this verse], "and wilt do that which is right in His eyes," as consisting of honesty in business relations. "He who transacts his business honestly and is pleasing to his fellow man is accounted as having fulfilled the entire Torah." [Mek. Vayassa, I.] Morality becomes a form of worship, but not the whole of it. By the side of "Doing justly and loving mercy," the prophet emphasizes "walking humbly with God" in his program of the religious life. To the fulfillment of moral duties must be added devotion, reverence, knowledge and conviction. Love of God with all the heart and soul and might and love of one's fellowmen must be combined. Ethics forms neither a substitute for nor an addition to, but a phase of the religious life. The moral and religious are two inseparable aspects of the spiritual life. As in Stoicism, obedience to the law of Nature or reason, so in Judaism, obedience to the will of God constitutes the highest good. God, the rabbis say, entrusted Israel with the Torah as a manifestation of His goodness. Though some of them seem inexplicable, obeying them is virtue.


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