"For Instruction shall come forth from Zion, The word of the L-rd from Jerusalem." -- Isaiah 2:3


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EXODUS — 21:17 curses

EXOD562 It is a negative commandment not to curse one's father or mother as Scripture states, And he that curses his father or his mother shall surely be put to death [this verse]. If one cursed him [his father] by the Divine name, he would deserve death by stoning, and this even if he cursed them [his parents] after their death, by the Divine name. If he cursed them by a substitute Divine name, he should receive whiplashes. One should not impose an oath on his father that contains an imprecation; nor should he be the emissary of a religious court to excommunicate him. It is forbidden to disgrace them; for whoever disgraces his father or his mother, even by a hint, is accursed by the word of the Almighty, since the Scripture says, Cursed be he who dishonors his father or his mother (D'varim 27:16).


EXODUS — 22:21 afflict

EXOD662 It is a negative commandment not to inflict suffering on any widow or orphan as Scripture says, You shall not afflict any widow or fatherless child [this verse]. Even if they are wealthy, even the widow of a king, or his orphan child, it is necessary to treat them with respect. One is not to cause them distress or anguish to their hearts with harsh words. He is to be more protective of their property than of his own. If anyone brings them to rage or brings anguish to their hearts, and all the more certainly if he strikes them or curses them, he violates this prohibition; and his punishment is given explicitly in the Torah: [Exodus 22:23]. Whether a child is without a father or without a mother, he is called an orphan, until he grows up and attends to all his needs alone, like other adults. It is permissible to chasten them in the learning of Torah or a craft, so as to guide them in a straight and decent path. Nevertheless one should be solicitous with them, to rear them slowly [patiently] with kindness and compassion.


EXODUS — 22:24 collector

EXOD686 It is a negative commandment not to demand of a borrower to pay his debt when one knows that he has not the means to pay as Scripture says, You shall not be to him as a collector [this verse]. It is forbidden for the lender to pass by before the borrower when he knows that the other has not the means to pay, so that he should not put him to shame. Yet just as a lender is forbidden to make demands, so is the borrower forbidden to suppress the money due his fellow man, to tell him, "Go and come back," when he has it. This is a prohibition from the words of the later parts of Scripture; for it states, Do not say to your fellow, "Go and come again, and tomorrow I will give"--when you have it with you (Mishley 3:28). It is likewise forbidden for the borrower to spend the borrowed money needlessly until he is unable to pay it; he is called wicked, as Scripture says, The wicked man borrows and does not pay (T'hillim 37:21).


EXODUS — 22:24 interest

EXOD695 It is a negative commandment to have no part in dealings between a lender and a borrower at interest for Scripture says, neither shall you put interest upon him [this verse] – which means that one should not be a guarantor or a witness between them; and the lender is also included in the scope of this prohibition, apart from the injunction not to lend at interest to a member of Jewry. Any intermediary between them [who brings them together or helps them arrange the loan] violates the injunction, nor shall you put a stumbling-block before the blind (Ya-yikra 19:14).


EXODUS — 22:24 lend

EXOD707 It is a positive commandment to lend money to the poor of Jewry [this verse], and this is a duty. This mitzvah is greater than charity, and more obligatory. The Torah disapproves severely of anyone who refuses to lend to a poor person, since it says, and your eye may be evil against your needy brother… and it will be a sin for you (D'varim 15:9).


EXODUS — 22:27 revile

EXOD738 It is a negative commandment not to curse a judge as Scripture says, You shall not God [this verse] [which is interpreted to mean judges]. If someone cursed a judge by the Divine name or by a substitute name of God, he should receive whiplashes twice (over this prohibition, and over the injunction not to curse a fellow-Jew) (Ya-yikra 19:14). This verse of the Bible is also an admonition not to blaspheme Hashem. If someone blasphemed Hashem by a substitute Divine name, he would transgress a prohibition. If someone blasphemed Hashem by the Divine name itself, his punishment is stated explicitly: And he who blasphemes the name of Hashem shall surely be put to death; the entire community shall stone him (Ya-yikra 24:16). This is the case if one blasphemes, even if he retracts in the time it takes to say a few words. At the present time, however, when we do not judge capital cases, he is excommunicated, and we keep our distance from him.


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