"For Instruction shall come forth from Zion, The word of the L-rd from Jerusalem." -- Isaiah 2:3


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GENESIS — 18:25 justly

GEN1031 … unquestionably the greatest stumbling block to religion [is] the problem of evil, traditionally expressed as “the suffering of the righteous and the prosperity of the wicked.” Through the ages sensitive and suffering human beings found the testimony of tradition being challenged by the evidence of experience. The dialectic between faith and doubt finds poignant expression in the literature of Sumer, Babylonia and Egypt, centuries before the Bible.  However, it is the Bible, the most magnificent testament of faith in God, that contains the most powerful confrontations with God.   The lawgiver, historian, sage, and psalmist, all the biblical “men of faith,” do not hesitate to demand that their God abide by the standard of righteousness they derive from Him.  … It is a tragic fact of life that all men are born for trouble and no nation goes through life unscathed.  GORLAW 80-2


GENESIS — 18:25 justly

GEN1036 Shortly before his resignation, a former President of the United States presumed to say that, as sovereign, the Chief Executive is above the law.   Had the ancient prophets been here today, they would have laughed him to scorn.  They would have reminded us that there is only one sovereign, who is God, and no one stands above the moral law—not even God, its source and guarantor.   GORLAW 154


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