"For Instruction shall come forth from Zion, The word of the L-rd from Jerusalem." -- Isaiah 2:3


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DEUTERONOMY — 22:4 lift

DEUT1118 In considering the implications of Torah legislation concerning animals, Jewish tradition concluded that Tza'ar ba'alei chayyim de-oraita -- the prevention of suffering by animals is a biblical law (Bava Metzia 32b, Shabbat 128b). As such, the Halakhah permitted certain forms of assistance to animals in distress on the Sabbath even though the measures involved were forbidden by rabbinic ordinance. The reason given was, of course, that biblical law supersedes rabbinical law (Activities such as the following, which are ordinarily forbidden on the Sabbath, are permitted for animals in order to relieve discomfort and pain: (1) using pillows and bedding to aid an animal that has fallen into a ditch; (2) certain materials ordinarily considered muktseh could be handled when being used as fodder for living creatures; (3) a non-Jew can be instructed to milk the cows on the Sabbath where not doing so would cause the animal pain; (4) an animal suffering from fresh wounds may be smeared with oils and salves. Orach Chayyim, Hilkhot Shabbat 324 and 332:2). The rabbis pointed in particular to the following laws in the Pentateuch: [Exodus 23:5 and this verse]. Not only is it forbidden to directly inflict pain upon an animal but if you come upon an animal in distress due to its owner's greed or stupidity, even if the owner be your enemy, you are more morally obliged by the Torah to come forward and become involved in bringing relief to the beast.


DEUTERONOMY — 22:14 evil

DEUT1178 It is forbidden to issue a false report about another [this verse]. It is also forbidden to receive a false report (Exodus 23:1). From the passage "Thou shalt keep thee from every evil thing" [Hebrew davar, which can also be read as 'word'], the rabbis concluded that one is forbidden to speak ill of one's fellow even if what is said is true (Deuteronomy 23:10).


DEUTERONOMY — 23:10 anything

DEUT1236 "Do not despise your brother in your heart" (Leviticus 19:17). Thinking evil was considered transgression even when it was not accompanied by specific plans or intent to act out the thought. This is seen in the following passages: "When thou goest forth in the camp… then thou shall keep thee from every evil [davar ra, lit. [this verse, Ketubbot 46a], "words" or "thought"]. "And ye shall not go about after your own heart and after your own eyes, after which you used to go astray" (Numbers 15:39). "There are six things which the Lord hateth ... a heart that deviseth wicked thoughts" (Proverbs 6:16, 18).


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