"For Instruction shall come forth from Zion, The word of the L-rd from Jerusalem." -- Isaiah 2:3


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DEUTERONOMY — 29:28 hidden

DEUT1579 The acts that, to be perfected, must be wholly devoted to God when they are performed are the acts of worship, through which we hope to attain God's favor, namely, all the observable duties, performed with the limbs. In these, one’s aim in doing them might be something other than for the sake of God. One’s aim might be to adorn himself with them before other people, and to be honored and praised by people for having performed them. It is impossible, however, to curry favor or gain honor and praise by fulfilling any of the duties of the heart, because people do not know what is in one's heart. Rather, one intends them for the sake of the One Who observes, namely, the Creator alone, as it says: “I, God, search the heart and test the mind” (Yirmeyahu 17:10); “The hidden things belong to Hashem our God” (Devarim 29:28).


DEUTERONOMY — 29:28 hidden

DEUT1580 When the righteous are afflicted and the wicked prosper. One might say: We see some righteous individuals who obtain their livelihood only after hard work and toil, while many transgressors are at ease and pass their lives in prosperity and comfort. Our reply is that the prophets and pietists already inquired into this problem. One of them asks, “Why does the way of the wicked prosper?” (Yirmeyahu 12:1). Another says, “Why do You show me wrongdoing and look upon vice? Violence and oppression are before me; there is strife, and contention rises.... For the wicked surround the righteous” (Chavakkuh 1:3-4); “Why keep silent when the wicked man devours one more righteous than he?” (ibid. 1:13). Another has said, “Such are the wicked; ever at ease, they increase in wealth. In vain have I kept my heart pure and washed my hands in innocence. For I have been constantly afflicted, and I am chastened every morning” (Tehillim 73:12-14). Another, speaking for his contemporaries, said, “They have tried God and escaped” (Malachi 3:15). And there are many other similar passages. The prophet refrained, however, from giving an answer to explain the reason for this, because the reason for the trial of each one of the saints--and [the reason for] the prosperity in this world of each one of the wicked--differs from that of the other. [Moshe’s] comment on the matter [in the Torah] was rather, “The hidden thing belongs to Hashem our God, but those that are revealed belong to us and to our children” (Devarim 29:28). Similarly, the Wise Man said, “If you see oppression of the poor and denial of justice and right in a country, do not wonder at [His] Will” (Koheles 5:7). And Scripture says, “The Rock, His deeds are perfect, for all His ways are just” (Devarim 32:4).


DEUTERONOMY — 30:15 set

DEUT1612 ... a human being’s actions are entrusted to him. He chooses them as he pleases; They spring from his will and free choice. Accordingly, he is subject to reward and punishment for obedience and for transgression respectively, as it says: “See, I set before you this day life and good, death and evil” (Devarim 30:15); “Choose life” (ibid. 30:19); “This is your own doing” (Malachi 1:9); “For according to man's acts He pays him” (Iyov 34:11); “A man's folly warps his way” (Mishlei 19:3). All that is in our literature on the Torah, the commandments, and proper conduct confirms this; also what is mentioned in it regarding reward for obedience and punishment for transgression--all this indicates that a man's actions are entrusted to him, and that the Divine Glory is free from responsibility for his good or for his evil, for his righteous or corrupt actions.


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