"For Instruction shall come forth from Zion, The word of the L-rd from Jerusalem." -- Isaiah 2:3


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DEUTERONOMY | 33:21 executed — DEUT1727 A further [sign that a person loves God]...

DEUT1727 A further [sign that a person loves God] is that he guides and directs others to God's service, gently or forcefully as is needed according to the time and the place and the different types and levels of people, from kings to ordinary folk. As the Wise One said: “That a wise man may hear and add to his knowledge, and that a man of understanding acquire perceptiveness” (Mishlei 1:5); “To lend shrewdness to the simple, to a youth knowledge and discernment” (ibid. 1:4). You should know, my brother, that even if a believer were to attain the utmost limit in the improvement of his own soul in its devotion to God, make He be exalted; even if he were to approach [the level of] the prophets insofar as their personal virtues, their praiseworthy conduct, their effort in serving God, and their pure love for Him are concerned, his merits would not equal those of one who guides others to the right path and directs the wicked to the service of the Creator. For the merits of such a person are multiplied every day and at all times by the merits of those [whom he has guided]. Consider the following analogy. Two merchants came to town. The first merchant sold the single item in his possession at a profit of ten times the cost price. The total amount he received was a hundred zuz. The second merchant sold his merchandise at a profit only equal to the cost price, but he had many items, and so the total he received amounted to ten thousand zuz. The first merchant, despite his high rate of profit, gained [only] ninety and ten-eleventh zuz. The second merchant, despite his low rate of profit, gained five thousand zuz. So too, my brother, if one rectifies himself alone, his merit will be little; but if he rectifies himself and many others as well, his merit will be multiplied by the merits of every person he has rectified for [the service of] God. As our Masters, of blessed memory, said: “Whoever leads many people to virtue, no sin occurs through him.... Moshe was virtuous and led many people to virtue--the people’s virtue is attributed to him, as it says (Devarim 33:21), ‘He executed God’s justice, and His laws with Israel’” (Avos 5:18). The Wise One said, “For those who would reprove there will be delight, and good blessing will come upon them” (Mishlei 24:25). And it says: “True instruction was in his mouth... and he turned many back from iniquity” (Malachi 2:6); “And those who turn the many to righteousness [shall shine] like the stars, forever and ever” (Daniyel 12:3). The Creator has therefore commanded us to reprove those who fall short in the fulfillment of their duties, as it says: “You must reprove your fellow” (Vayikra 19:17). Our Masters, of blessed memory, said (see Arachin 16b): “Until what point is [the obligation of] reproof? Rav said, ‘Until one is cursed.’ Shemuel said, ‘Until one is stricken.’” And it says, “He who admonishes a man to [serve] Me will find favor” (Mishlei 28:23).


Source KeyDUTIES
Source Page(s)871-3


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