"For Instruction shall come forth from Zion, The word of the L-rd from Jerusalem." -- Isaiah 2:3


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DEUTERONOMY | 32:6 father — DEUT1676 In how many ways should a person hold hi...

DEUT1676 In how many ways should a person hold himself to an accounting before God? I say that there are a multitude of ways in which to make such an accounting. Of these, I will point out thirty. They can clarify to a person what he owes God, if he will bring them to mind and undertake to reflect on them and remember them always. God's grace in one's very existence. 1. When a person contemplates his own existence and reflects on how he first came into being and was brought from nonexistence into existence, from nothing into a reality, not because of any prior merit, but only by God's grace, goodness, and generosity; when he recognizes that his state is more distinguished, his degree more elevated, his form nobler than those of the animal, plant or inanimate objects--he will then undertake to thank his Creator, may He be exalted. Let him draw a close analogy. Let him imagine that, when he was a nursing infant, his mother abandoned him on the street. A man, passing by, saw him and, pitying him, took him into his home. He cared for him and raised him, until he reached maturity in mind and in body. How great would be his obligation to hasten to do this man's will, honor his command, and refrain from what he forbids. How deeply indebted he would be to this man! So too, as the Creator has sheltered him and provided him with all his needs, he should follow His service and accept His commandments. The prophet took up this theme when he admonished the nation: “Is this how you repay God, you foolish and unwise people? [Is He not your Father, Who created you? He made you and established you]” (Devarim 32:6); “[He provided for them in a barren land, in an empty, howling wasteland. He sheltered and enlightened them; He protected them as the apple of His eye. Like an eagle that flutters over its young, He spread His wings and took them up, carrying them on His wings” (Devarim 32:10-11)]. Yechezkel elaborated [on this], saying: “[You were cast out into the open field in your own filth on the day of your birth.] Then I passed by you and saw you wallowing in your blood...” (Yechezkel 16:5-6 ), and so the rest of the passage.


Source KeyDUTIES
Source Page(s)669-71


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