"For Instruction shall come forth from Zion, The word of the L-rd from Jerusalem." -- Isaiah 2:3


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DEUTERONOMY | 27:26 cursed — DEUT1512 In its exposition of the verse (Ecclesia...

DEUT1512 In its exposition of the verse (Ecclesiastes 2:18): "So I hated all my labor," the Midrash (Koheleth Rabba, ad loc.) relates: "R. Meir was a skillful scribe and used to earn three selas a week. He spent one sela on food and drink, another on clothing, and the third on Talmidei Chachamim. His disciples asked him: What would you leave for your children? He answered: If they are righteous, then it will be as David said (Psalm 37:25): 'Yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging bread.' And if they are not righteous, why should I leave my possessions to enemies of the Allpresent?" The Midrash further remarks (Ecclesiastes 7:11): "R. Acha said in the name of R. Tanchum: Suppose one had studied, taught, kept and observed the Torah. He could also have afforded to support others (who study Torah) but did not. He is then included in the category of [this verse]: 'Cursed be he who does not uphold the words of the Torah.' Suppose, again, that one has neither studied nor taught, neither observed nor kept the Torah. (The intent here is that his devotion to Torah was impaired by his poverty and cares. He was hard-pressed to earn his daily living, as the concluding words bear out, 'was unable.') He was unable to afford to, yet helped others, then he falls in the category of 'Blessed be he who uphold the words of this Torah.'" From all that has been said, the greatness of the importance of supporting Torah even when one earns a meager living becomes apparent. The person will be blessed for his deeds. How much more should one exert himself in performing this mitzvah when his means are ample.


Source KeyAHAVCH
Source Page(s)169-70


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