"For Instruction shall come forth from Zion, The word of the L-rd from Jerusalem." -- Isaiah 2:3


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DEUTERONOMY | 23:22 vow — DEUT1295 [This verse]. Punishment is incurred wh...

DEUT1295 [This verse]. Punishment is incurred when delaying the fulfillment of one's vows and charitable obligations, even if one fulfills them later on. If one has vowed to give charity to the poor, he must immediately fulfill his obligation. If due to forgetfulness one happens to delay the fulfillment of his vows, for this to he is punished; since he is aware that man is prone to forgetfulness, he should have recalled his vows and giving him his full attention in such a way that they would never be forgotten, as the pasuk says (Mishlei 20:25), "A person's stumbling corrupts [his] sanctity, and he must inquire after [his] vows." Consequently, the punishment for his negligence will be harsh, as the pasuk says, (Koheles 5:5), "Do not allow your mouth to bring guilt upon your flesh, and do not tell the messenger that it was an error. Why let God be angry on account of your voice and destroy the work of your hands?" The explanation of, "Do not allow your mouth to bring guilt [upon your flesh]" is: why make a vow when you are not vigilant in its fulfillment, and bring guilt upon yourself? We have already explained this verse in The Gates of the Parameters of Vigilance [See the First Gate, note 97]. Our Sages, z"l, have said (Shabbos 32b) that for the sin of [unfulfilled] vows one's children die, as the pasuk says (Koheles 5:5), "... And destroy the work of your hands?" This pasuk can also be interpreted within the context of lashon hara; he will be punished for the inequity involved even if he had no intention of putting his neighbor to shame [The verse then means: "Do not speak lashon hara, and do not say that you did not intend to shame the other. Why would Hashem punish you for such in equity?" Devarim Rabbah 6:10]. (Continued at [[GEN1280]] Genesis 28:20 vow GATES 251).


Source KeyGATES
Source Page(s)249-51


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