"For Instruction shall come forth from Zion, The word of the L-rd from Jerusalem." -- Isaiah 2:3


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DEUTERONOMY | 12:19 Levite — DEUT571 Do not forsake the Levite by not giving h...

DEUT571 Do not forsake the Levite by not giving him the gifts to which he is entitled. Hashem wants only good for His nation, Israel, for He chose them from out of all the other nations. They are a wise and understanding people and He wants to benefit them so that all who behold them will recognize that they are descendants of seed that He has blessed, and that they are people of truth and deserve fame. For this purpose, He orchestrates ways that bring about that their main occupation is Torah--that they toil in Torah and apply themselves to it day and night. He designs a fitting and pleasant system of laws containing strong and prized behavioral norms so that all Jews, young and old, will acquire knowledge of Him. One of His means for strengthening and implanting Torah knowledge within the Jewish nation is His choice of one entire tribe that receives no portion of land in Eretz Yisrael. No member of this tribe goes out to the fields to plow, sow, irrigate or reap. Thereby, they all are free to utilize their time for learning and understanding the ways of Hashem, and for teaching justice to their brethren, the other tribes of Israel, throughout the Land. Since Hashem has chosen one tribe to have Torah as its sole occupation--for all time--and from them will the rest of the nation seek Torah and will heed their rulings and advice, He wants the nation to provide this tribe a livelihood. He is concerned that their ability to acquire and disseminate wisdom not suffer for lack of bread. From this mitzvah one learns that it is a duty to help and support all who are occupied in Torah study full time, for these are the ones who play the greatest role in assuring the future of the one true faith. They strengthen their faith. They promote peace and love their fellow Jews, and have no time to run back and forth chasing after a livelihood. Therefore, he who has mercy on them and seeks to promote their welfare will receive Heaven's mercy. In the World to Come he will sit beside them and enjoy a portion similar to theirs.


Source Page(s)296-7


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