"For Instruction shall come forth from Zion, The word of the L-rd from Jerusalem." -- Isaiah 2:3


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DEUTERONOMY | 6:7 recite — DEUT264 Torah leads to merit and good deeds, for ...

DEUT264 Torah leads to merit and good deeds, for when one occupies himself with Torah and studies the punishment for transgressions and the reward for mitzvos, he resolves to do good. And the labor of Torah makes him forgetful of sin and removes him from it, but idleness attracts sin and brings him down to the pit. Therefore one must be zealous to labor constantly in Torah, day and night, even on the road or when lying in bed. If he is not in a position to do so verbally, he should reflect upon what he has learned, so that his mind is constantly upon his learning and never divorced from it. If he does so, he will have fulfilled (Yehoshua 1:8): "And you shall meditate upon a day and night." It is not written: "You shall speak about it," but, "You shall meditate upon it," meditation taking place in the heart. In this regard it is written [this verse]: "When you sit in your house and when you walk upon the way, and when you lie down, and when you arise." This is what our Rabbis of blessed memory gloried in--that they did not walk four ells without Torah (Megillah 28a), either speaking out what they were studying or reflecting in their hearts upon what they had heard or studied, or concentrating upon their learning. Therefore, set your heart and all of your mind upon Torah at all times and upon all occasions, and you will find life and honor, and you will attain to many fruits in this world and who all of the goodly traits in this world. For through Torah one learns wisdom, fear, proper deportment, humility, modesty, and all good deeds, and Heaven provides his needs (Avodah Zarah 19a) and the Torah guards, raises, and uplifts him.


Source KeyTZADIK
Source Page(s)579-81


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