"For Instruction shall come forth from Zion, The word of the L-rd from Jerusalem." -- Isaiah 2:3


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NUMBERS | 27:16 all — NUM333 The essential reason for most quarrels is ...

NUM333 The essential reason for most quarrels is a basic human shortcoming: it is extremely difficult for people to accept opinions that differ from their own. Rabbeinu Asher writes, "Do not be unyielding, but rather, bend your will for the sake of others (Orchos Chaim). This quality is exemplified by Rachel Imeinu, who informed her sister Leah of the secret signs that Yaakov will use in order to identify his chosen wife Rachel (as Jacob suspected that Leah might exchange Leah for Rachel.) By doing this, she saved Leah from shame and embarrassment, but lost her chosen fiancé (Derech Eretz Zuta, ch. 1). Everyone is Different. The inherent obstacle in putting this concept into practice is that values and opinions vary from one individual to the next; as the Sages say, "People's opinions are as diverse as their facial features" (Midrash Rabbah, Bamidbar 21:2). Moshe Rabbeinu attached enormous importance to the quality of leaders being understanding of people, as expressed in the verse, "May Hashem, the "God of all spirits and of all flesh, appoint a person to lead the congregation" [this verse]. The Midrash explains that Moshe prayed that his successor be endowed with the ability to understand and tolerate each Jew's personality (Tanchuma, parashas Pinchas). Yalkut Shimoni offers a similar interpretation, explaining that Moshe prayed that his successor's soul be large enough to accommodate the different personalities of six hundred thousand souls, a quality he deemed essential for the future leader of the Jewish people. (This quality will also be shared by the Moshiach.). The Rashba explains that the reason why the Sages stressed that "people's opinions differ" is in order to emphasize one's obligation to accept opinions that differ from one's own.


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