"For Instruction shall come forth from Zion, The word of the L-rd from Jerusalem." -- Isaiah 2:3


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NUMBERS | 15:39 heart — NUM184 Wisdom and reason will serve any master wi...

NUM184 Wisdom and reason will serve any master with equal loyalty. It is the person's character and will that must provide the core of values within which each reason will operate. We know from Scripture and tradition how Solomon erred in his thinking about the law of the Torah which forbids a king to possess many wives (Deuteronomy 17:17). Since the Torah gives a reason for the prohibition, Solomon was confident that for him, with his superior wisdom, the reason did not apply: he could surely withstand or overcome the consequences foretold. Yet Solomon's wisdom did not stand by him in this instance. The evil results which the Torah predicted, befell him in full. "Fear of sin" had not come first, and wisdom went astray. This is the essential purpose of the mitzvah of tzitzith (fringes on the corners of four-corner requirements): to keep us mindful of our obligation to the Almighty, and reinforce in us an awareness of His meaningful presence. In commanding us to observe this precept of tzitzith, the Torah gives as the reason, "That you may not turn astray after your hearts and after your eyes which lead you to go astray" [this verse]. The eye reports what it sees, and the heart responds with desire. Unless "fear of God" acts as a break, the entire intellect, the entire capacity for rational explanation and justification will be used to "prove" that the desired object is good for you, good for your health, in step with the rest of humanity, and so forth. It is at this point that we need tzitzith. For the Sages tell us: "The thread of blue [Hebrew, t'cheleth--no longer included in our ritual fringes today, since we are uncertain of the proper dye to use. The statement is found in T.B. Hullin 89a; T.Y. Berakoth I, 2; Midrash T'hillim XC, 18; Zohar I, 121a; III, 175a and 301a] in the tzitzith reminds us of the ocean, the ocean reminds us of the heavens, and the heavens remind us of God." If we can develop within us a reverence of the Lord, a sense of awe before His presence we will be able to control our hearts and our minds, rather than have them control us.


Source KeySINAI1
Source Page(s)274


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