"For Instruction shall come forth from Zion, The word of the L-rd from Jerusalem." -- Isaiah 2:3


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LEVITICUS | 25:35 uphold — LEV1055 We are obligated to aid someone who is on...

LEV1055 We are obligated to aid someone who is on the brink of poverty to gain a livelihood. The Rambam writes that this verse refers to the highest level of charity which is giving someone a present or loan, taking him as a partner, or finding him work, before he needs to ask for charity. (Hilchos Matnos Aniyim 10:7). In Sifre this situation is compared to a heavy load on a donkey. While the load is still on the donkey, one person can easily support it. Once it falls, however, even five people have difficulty lifting it. Very often a small loan can save a person's business, but if the business fails completely, that person will need a large amount of money to start anew. Below are the basic laws of this commandment: 1) If someone is out of work, it is a truly great mitzvah to find him a job. If you are unable to employ him yourself, you should speak to other employers on his behalf. (Ahavas Chesed 2:21). 2) If someone needs to borrow money to start a business, it is a big act of kindness to allow him to pay back in small amounts. If you insist that he should pay back in one lump sum, he might be back to where he started. (Ahavas Chesed, ibid). 3) If someone's means of livelihood has been terminated and you give him a present to enable him to begin a new business, it is a fulfillment of this commandment. For example, someone's store burned down and he needs money to start anew, or a woman whose husband has died needs money to start her own business. The Midrash states that aiding people in such circumstances will merit a person long life. (ibid). 4) If you speak loshon hora about someone and this causes him to lose his means of support, you violate this commandment. (Chofetz Chayim, Introduction, Positive Commandment 5) Included in this commandment are instances when someone who does not want to take charity sells something that you really do not need, but you buy just in order to give him an income. (Yosef Ometz, p. 312). 6) The Dubno Magid said that giving a loan to someone in order to enable him to make a living is an act of chesed which benefits a large number of persons. If you would not have loaned money to that person, he might have needed to collect charity for many people. By granting the loan, you are saving them money. (Ohel Yaakov, Mishpotim).


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