"For Instruction shall come forth from Zion, The word of the L-rd from Jerusalem." -- Isaiah 2:3


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LEVITICUS | 20:3 gave — LEV824 Is it ever just to regard family members a...

LEV824 Is it ever just to regard family members as responsible for the sins of another family member? Yes, but only if the family members do nothing to stop their relative, and perhaps even profit from that person's wrongdoing. The relatives share in the culpability, certainly morally, even if not legally. The Talmud teaches: "In a family where there is a tax collector [this was written during a period when Judaea was under Roman rule, and tax collectors extorted funds], all are [regarded as] tax collectors; a robber, all are robbers, because they protect him [and do not protest his deeds]" (Shevuot 39a). [In a similar manner, the Torah imposes a death sentence on one who offers his child as a sacrifice to Molech, and then says: "and if the people of the land should shut their eyes to that man when he gives of his offspring to Molech... I myself will set My face against that man and his kin…" [this and verses 2-5] The Talmud presumes that family members of tax collectors know the source of their family income, and if--once they reach maturity-- they continue to live off stolen funds, they are morally culpable. Obviously, if they truly don't know the source of the ill-gotten gains, they are not guilty. And what about the parents? Should they ever be held responsible for the crimes and misdeeds of their children? [Jewish law assumes that parents bear moral responsibility for the behavior of their minor children. That is why when the child becomes Bar Mitzvah and assumes adult responsibilities, the parents recite an unusual blessing: "Praised be He who has released me from responsibility for this one's misdeeds" (Shulchan Arukh, Orakh Chayyim 225:2). Jews thank God that their children have reached the age at which they are accountable for their own actions, a powerful illustration of how Judaism celebrates responsibility and free will.] This issue ... would seem to hinge on the parents' ability to affect their children's behavior...


Source KeyTELVOL2
Source Page(s)417-8


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