"For Instruction shall come forth from Zion, The word of the L-rd from Jerusalem." -- Isaiah 2:3


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LEVITICUS | 19:36 weights — LEV819 Use only precise weights and measures. Be ...

LEV819 Use only precise weights and measures. Be very careful that your weights and measures are very precise, for it is known that inaccuracy regarding this matter, such as imprecise balances, can lead to various types of deceit. The weights that are placed on the balance to equal the weight of the items being sold must be exact. So, too, all vessels used for measuring any solid or liquid. Because of the seriousness of the matter, the Torah names the different methods of measuring and demands accuracy regarding each one, despite the fact that the entire matter is included in the prohibition, “A man shall not cheat his brother” (Leviticus 25:14). In the words of the Sifra, “On this condition I brought you out of Egypt--that you keep the mitzvah of accurate weights and measures.” Also, according to our sages (Baba Metzia 61b), Hashem says, “In Egypt I distinguished between those who were a firstborn and not a firstborn; so, too, I will exact judgment from anyone who puts his weights in salt in order to cheat others.” Sages also teach that courts everywhere are duty bound to appoint inspectors to check the accuracy of weights and balances. When a person is found to be remiss in this regard, the courts have the power to punish him physically and/or with a monetary fine. Worst of all, say our Sages, he who steals from the public by means of dishonest measures cannot recall all of the people that he cheated, so he is unable to make amends if later he wants to repent and return what he stole. This is the meaning when our Sages say, “The punishment for dishonest measures is very harsh.”


Source Page(s)164-5


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