"For Instruction shall come forth from Zion, The word of the L-rd from Jerusalem." -- Isaiah 2:3


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LEVITICUS | 19:19 kinds — LEV738 Most people who have studied the Torah or ...

LEV738 Most people who have studied the Torah or Judaism are aware of the key verse (mentioned above as possibly the very essence of Judaism) commanding Jews love their fellow as they love themselves- i.e., to treat others as they would want to be treated. But what is the verse that immediately follows these well-known and important words? God commands the Jew not to mate animals of different species, not to plant together seeds of different species, and not to wear a garment that contains wool (the symbol of the animal world) and flax (the symbol of the plant world) [this and preceding verse]. Why? What is the connection between these two verses? The second verse stresses that species and creations of God that are created as separate and different should remain separate and different. Thus, although God wants Jews to love others, he does not want everyone to become the same and homogenized as a result. A Jew should love others, even though they remain different or, perhaps, because they are different. Therefore, Judaism does not wish or attempt to change non-Jews and make them just like Jews. While conversion to Judaism is tolerated, it is not encouraged. Remaining different and still loving those who are different is at the heart of Judaism.


Source KeyAMJV
Source Page(s)353


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