"For Instruction shall come forth from Zion, The word of the L-rd from Jerusalem." -- Isaiah 2:3


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LEVITICUS | 19:18 love — LEV673 Palliation of Pain. Elimination of pain is...

LEV673 Palliation of Pain. Elimination of pain is assuredly a legitimate and laudable goal. According to some authorities, mitigation of pain is encompassed within the general obligation to heal (sources omitted). Palliative treatment is certainly mandated by virtue of the commandment "and you shall love your neighbor as yourself" [this verse]. When the dual goals of avoidance of pain and preservation of life come into conflict with one another, however, Judaism recognizes the paramount value and sanctity of life and, accordingly, assigns priority to preservation of life. Thus, a number of authorities have expressly stated that non-treatment or withdrawal of treatment in order for the patient to be released from pain by death constitutes euthanasia and is not countenanced by Judaism (footnotes omitted). This remains the case even if the patient pleads to be permitted to die. As stated by one prominent authority, "even if the patient himself cries out, 'Let me be and do not give me any aid, because for me death is preferable,' everything possible must be done on behalf of the patient." (Tzitz Eli'ezer, IX, no. 47, sec.5) Nevertheless, every prudent effort should be made to alleviate the patient's suffering. This includes aggressive treatment of pain even to a degree which at present is not common in medical practice. Physicians are reluctant to use morphine in high dosages because of the danger of depression of the cerebral center responsible for respiration. The effect of morphine administered in high doses is that the patient cannot control the muscles necessary for breathing. There is, however, no halakhic objection to providing such medication in order to control pain in the case of terminal patients even though palliation of pain may ultimately entail maintaining such a patient on a respirator. Similarly, there is no halakhic objection to the use of heroin in the control of pain in terminal patients. The danger of addiction under such circumstances is, of course, hardly a significant consideration. At present, the use of heroin is illegal even for medical purposes.


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