"For Instruction shall come forth from Zion, The word of the L-rd from Jerusalem." -- Isaiah 2:3


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LEVITICUS | 19:16 neighbor — LEV494 [Regarding this verse the] Torah makes it ...

LEV494 [Regarding this verse the] Torah makes it clear that its greatest heroes were concerned with all suffering, not just that of their own people. When Abraham learns that God intends to destroy the city of Sodom for its acts of cruelty, he argues with God not to do so if there are at least a few righteous people living there (Genesis 18:22–33). Later, when Moses sees the Midianite male shepherds mistreating Midianite female shepherds trying to water their flock, he stands up for the women and secures their rights (Exodus 2:16–17). It is fitting, therefore, that Jews have played such a prominent role in a leading the campaign to stop the genocide in Darfur. In addition to providing humanitarian aid to many of the displaced and traumatized people forced from their homes and living in camps in Sudan and Chad, the American Jewish World Service (headed by Ruth Messinger), which founded the Save Darfur coalition in 2004, has used public education and political advocacy in the United States to try to end the crisis. In a statement issued at the time, AJWS said: "As Jews, we have a particular moral responsibility to speak out and take action against genocide. We must respond and save as many lives as we can."


Source KeyTELVOL2
Source Page(s)287-8


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