"For Instruction shall come forth from Zion, The word of the L-rd from Jerusalem." -- Isaiah 2:3


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LEVITICUS | 19:16 idly — LEV479 If a senile parent, living in his or her o...

LEV479 If a senile parent, living in his or her own home or in a child's home, tends to wander outside in the streets alone and get lost easily, what is a child to do? Similarly, if the senile individual begins to light or cause fires in the kitchen, how should a child or other relative react? The answer is found in another important concept in Judaism, the concept of relating to danger. It is a biblical mitzvah (Deuteronomy 4:9 and 4:15) to protect oneself from any possible danger. Therefore, a person is not permitted to risk his or her life or the life of anyone else with a likely or even a potential fire in the house. Similarly, one is not permitted by standing by and doing nothing to allow someone else to risk his or her life by wandering the neighborhood or lighting fires, especially someone who has no understanding [this verse]. Therefore, it is clear that when there is potential danger to the household, any responsible person cannot permit the situation to continue. The senile person must be removed from the house and put in the place or situation where the risk of danger has been eliminated. When it comes to danger or even potential danger, Judaism is very strict, and, therefore, the Talmud says (Chullin 10a) that a situation of danger is more strict than Jewish law itself. Therefore, a Jew must be especially careful in removing or eliminating any possible dangerous situation.


Source KeyAMEMEI
Source Page(s)259


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