"For Instruction shall come forth from Zion, The word of the L-rd from Jerusalem." -- Isaiah 2:3


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LEVITICUS | 19:16 idly — LEV472 … how great is the reward granted by God, ...

LEV472 … how great is the reward granted by God, may He be blessed, to one who does visit the poor, sick man, who does advise him how to act, and who encourages him not to abandon hope. For see, Chazal have described the greatness of the reward just for visiting--it is even greater for one who also, in the same act, fulfills the mitzvah of tzedakah and of saving a life, and who also reassures and encourages the patient with his conversation. He will be blessed in many important respects by Hashem, may He be blessed, as has Chazal made clear (Bava Bathra 10a): "Whoever reassures the poor will receive eleven blessings." Indeed in many communities the practice has now been adopted of forming a Bikkur Cholim Society for the purpose of caring for these unfortunate souls when they are ill, to see that they receive proper medical attention, proper food and all other necessities. How commendable would it be were this the universal practice, especially since human life is often involved! Whoever shuts his eyes against this duty transgresses [this verse]: "Neither shall you stand idly by the blood of your neighbor." Happy is the man who sets his mind and heart on the sufferings of these crushed people. Of him, it is said (Psalm 41:2): "Happy is he that considers the poor; Hashem will deliver him in the day of evil." The poor mentioned here are the sick, as I have explained. And the reference is even more appropriate to the sick who are poor, and therefore doubly crushed.


Source KeyAHAVCH
Source Page(s)203


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