"For Instruction shall come forth from Zion, The word of the L-rd from Jerusalem." -- Isaiah 2:3


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LEVITICUS | 19:15 favorably — LEV443 If one sees another person say or do somet...

LEV443 If one sees another person say or do something--whether in the area of bein adam l’Makom (matters between man and Hashem) or in the area of bein adam l’chaveiro--interpersonal relationships--and his actions can be judged favorably and given the benefit of the doubt, then the halachah depends on how virtuous the person is. If he is G-d-fearing, then one is required to give him the benefit of the doubt even if it seems more likely that he acted improperly. If he is an average person who generally refrains from sin but does stumble on occasion, then if the possibility that he acted properly is equal to the possibility that he acted inappropriately, one is required to judge him favorably. Indeed, Chazal say, “If one judges his fellow favorably, Hashem will judge him favorably.” This obligation is included in Hashem's commandment of בְּצֶ֖דֶק תִּשְׁפֹּ֥ט עֲמִיתֶֽךָ, “Judge your fellow favorably” (Leviticus 19:15). Even if the possibility that the other person acted improperly seems to outweigh the possibility that his action was justified, it is correct to consider the matter inconclusive, rather than assume that the other person acted improperly. In a case in which it seems likely that the person's actions were indeed justified, if one judges him unfavorably-- which is certainly forbidden by halachah--and consequently proceeds to disparage him, not only does he violate the commandment of בְּצֶ֖דֶק תִּשְׁפֹּ֥ט עֲמִיתֶֽךָ, “Judge your fellow favorably,” he also transgresses the prohibition of speaking lashon hara. Even when the chances that the person acted improperly outweigh the chances that he acted properly-- in which case there would not be as much of a halachic prohibition to judge him unfavorably-- all that would mean is that the observer may assume for himself that the other person acted inappropriately. However, he may not hurry to go disparage that person before others on the basis of this assumption, unless all of the conditions delineated in sections 4, 5, and 10 are fulfilled. For even if the other person did act improperly, in many cases it would still be forbidden to disparage him, as one who studies those sections will discover.


Source KeySEFER
Source Page(s)101-2


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