"For Instruction shall come forth from Zion, The word of the L-rd from Jerusalem." -- Isaiah 2:3


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EXODUS | 34:30 said — EXOD1056 [Compiler's note: It is not clear to me ...

EXOD1056 [Compiler's note: It is not clear to me why the translator/editor associated this verse (or any word therein) to Rabbi Yonah's commentary; I have associated the word "said" because the commentary deals with speech]. The fourth category [of those who speak lashon hara is] avak lashon hara [Lit., "dust of lashon hara," i.e. just a tinge of lashon hara. See paragraphs 137-139 for similar use of the word avak. Avak Lashon Hara is ostensibly innocent speech that can lead to lashon hara or damage to another.] Our Sages said (Bava Basra 165a), "The majority of people succumb to theft, a minority to illicit relations, and everyone to avak lashon hara." They explained that avak lashon hara entails a persons saying something that causes others to speak lashon hara. [Thus,] they said (Arachin 16a), "One should never say positive things about another person, for the positive things [said] about him lead to disparaging things [being said] about him." We must explain this passage: It is known that speaking praise of the sages and the tzaddikim is a beautiful trait, as the pasuk said (Mishlei 25:27), "Searching out their honor is honorable" [See paragraph 149]. They also said that a fool does not speak the praises of the world [So, what do Chazal mean when they say, "One should never say positive things when referring to another person"?] But the meaning of the matter is this: One should say positive things about another person only one-on-one [this verse], i.e., a man speaking to his friend, and not in public where many people are congregated--until it becomes clear to him that in this place there is no one who possesses hate or jealousy for the person he will speak about positively [i.e., for it will lead that person to say disparaging words against the man he hates or is jealous of. Consequently, the one who said positive things will be guilty of avak lashon hara]. However, if he wants to praise a person who has already been publicly accepted and acknowledged as an upright person and within whom no evil or guilt can be found, he can then praise him even in the presence of one who hates him or is jealous of him. For he will not be able to disparage him; and [even] if he does, everyone will know that he has spoken false [words]. His tongue will [only] become a pitfall for himself.


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