"For Instruction shall come forth from Zion, The word of the L-rd from Jerusalem." -- Isaiah 2:3


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EXODUS | 17:14 Amalek — EXOD270 The order to eradicate the ancient nation...

EXOD270 The order to eradicate the ancient nation of Amalek [this verse] was a unique and exceptional measure which did not establish a precedent. Its severity is justified in the Bible by an historical encounter in which the Amalekites were guilty of an unprovoked attack on the Hebrews, with the intent of committing genocide. There is no other explanation for the attack. Surely they were not motivated by considerations of self-defense or even by a desire to rob a neighboring nation of its land. There was to be no compassion for a people possessed of such irrational and pathological hatred. Amalek was the ancient prototype of the modern Nazis, killers without any redeeming features. The ancient law of the eradication of the entire nation would surely be unacceptable under modern progressive standards. Yet the biblical admonition against mercy for Amalek is surely binding with regard to Nazis whose guilt has been proven. A rising demand for leniency toward criminals and forgiveness of their crimes does an injustice to the future of mankind. In a statement of profound insight, the rabbis alleged [based on author's preceding discussion, reference may be to Makkot 7a-b--AJL] that a person who is moved to express pity for cruel people will in the end adopt some of their cruel traits. (Continued at [[NUM408]] Numbers 35:19 death BLOCH 65-6).


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